Cards (3)

  • Phases of a simple muscle contraction:
    • Latent period (0.01 second):
    • Begins from the application of the stimulus to the beginning of the response
    • Represents the time necessary for physico-chemical changes for cellular response
    • Represents the time required for the physiological disturbance resulting from stimulation to travel to the whole organ
    • Period of contraction (0.05 seconds):
    • Corresponds to the upstroke of the writing lever
    • Signifies that the muscles have performed work
    • Period of relaxation (0.06 second):
    • Muscle returns to its original resting state
    • Time for resynthesis of products utilized by the muscle during activity so it can respond to succeeding stimuli
  • Different types of muscles with respect to duration of contraction:
    • Skeletal muscle:
    • Fastest contraction with the shortest duration among the three types
    • Smooth muscle:
    • Longest duration of contraction, ten times as long as skeletal muscle
    • Cardiac muscle:
    • Intermediate between skeletal and smooth muscles