Cards (19)

  • Emotion is a conscious mental reaction accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body
  • Feeling denotes any partly mental, partly physical response and can encompass both positive and negative responses
  • Affection applies to feelings that are inclinations or likings
  • Sentiment often implies an emotion inspired by an idea
  • Passion suggests a very powerful or controlling emotion
  • 8 Basic Emotions:
    • Anger: to fight against problems
    • Anticipation: to look forward and plan
    • Joy: to remind us what's important, such as receiving an award or recognition
    • Trust: to connect with people who help
    • Fear: to protect us from danger
    • Surprise: to focus on new situations that interest or excite us
    • Sadness: connects us with those we love, such as losing someone significant
    • Disgust: to reject what is unhealthy, like being in a filthy area
  • Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions
  • Emotional Intelligence can be learned and strengthened, and it involves identifying and regulating our own emotions, recognizing the emotions of others, feeling empathy, and using these abilities to communicate effectively and build healthy relationships
  • David Goleman is a proponent of emotional intelligence
  • 4 Key Elements of Emotional Intelligence:
    • Self-Awareness
    • Self-Regulation
    • Social Awareness
    • Conflict Management Skills
  • Characteristics of People with High Emotional Intelligence Level:
    • Self-Awareness
    • Self-Regulation
    • Motivation
    • Empathy
    • Social Skills
  • Self-Awareness involves having a good understanding of oneself, knowing strengths and weaknesses, and working to improve them
  • Self-Regulation includes controlling emotions, regulating impulses, and setting boundaries
  • Motivation involves setting specific goals, committing efforts to achieve them, and embracing changes and setbacks in the journey to success
  • Empathy allows individuals to relate to others, show compassion, and understand the needs and wants of others
  • Social Skills include effective communication, building and maintaining good relationships, and avoiding overreaction and unnecessary suffering
  • Emotional Self-Awareness is the ability to recognize and understand emotions and how they impact behavior
  • High Emotional Intelligence promotes an optimistic point of view, emotional resilience, and reacting to hurt by processing feelings
  • Low Emotional Intelligence lets negative feelings dominate, reacts to hurt with physical violence, and carries a grudge and is unforgiving