Chile'sGrossDomesticProduct (GDP): 298.2 billion USD, ranked 38th in the world out of 193 countries
Chile'sHumanDevelopmentIndex (HDI): 41st in the world out of 187 countries
Nepal'sGrossDomesticProduct (GDP): 29.04 billion USD, ranked 109th in the world out of 193 countries
Nepal'sHumanDevelopmentIndex (HDI): 145th in the world out of 187 countries
Earthquakes have affected both Chile and Nepal
2010 Chile Earthquake:
Magnitude of 8.8 on the Richterscale
Occurred on a destructiveplatemargin where the NazcaplatesubductsbeneaththeSouth Americanplate
Triggered a tsunami due to platemovement displacing seawater
Magnitude of 7.9
Caused by the subduction of the Indo-Australianplatebeneath the Eurasianplate
Epicentre around 80km from Kathmandu
Originated 15kmbelow the surface, leading to strong surface impact
Primaryeffects of the ChileEarthquake:
Around 500killed and 12,000injured
800,000 people affected
Destruction of buildings including 22,000 homes, 4,500 schools, 53 ports, and 56 hospitals
Water, electricity, and communications lost in many places
Estimated cost of USD$30billion
Secondaryeffects of the ChileEarthquake:
Landslides damaged 1500km of roads
Tsunami devastated coastaltowns and destroyed ports
Fires broke out in buildings, including a fire in a chemical plant near Santiago
Debris blocked roads for weeks, affecting relief efforts
Primaryeffects of the NepalEarthquake:
9,000 killed and 20,000 injured
8 million people affected, with 3 million left homeless
Destruction of 7,000 schools and 50% of shops
Power, water, and communications severely affected
Secondary effects of the Nepal Earthquake:
Landslides and avalanches caused widespread damage to infrastructure
Avalanches on Mount Everest and elsewhere resulted in casualties and missing individuals
Landslides blocked rivers, leading to evacuation concerns
Immediate responses to earthquakes:
Chile: Emergency services deployed quickly, international aid received, temporary repairs made to highways, temporary shelters set up
Nepal: Search and rescue teams deployed, international aid received, temporary shelters provided, power and water restored to homes
Long-term responses to earthquakes:
Chile: National housing reconstruction plan implemented, stricter building codes introduced, landslides cleared, roads repaired
Nepal: International conference held for financial support, repairs to Everest base camp and tourist sites, challenges with fuel and relief material shortages
A primary effect isĀ one that is directly caused by the disaster, is an integral part of the disaster itself; in the case of an earthquake, it would be the ground shaking, or in the case of a volcanic eruption, lava pouring out of the volcano.
Secondary impacts areĀ the indirect effects causes by the primary impacts, after the main eventĀ - in the coming hours, days and weeks. Earthquakes often trigger tsunamis and landslides hours after the main event - these are secondary impacts.