A set of fundamental beliefs, views, assumptions, ideas
Fundamental beliefs: what our actions, behaviors are based on; they are influential to our life
Fundamental beliefs:
Examples: religion (god; life after death), moral principles (good, bad, right, wrong), reality, marriage, family, relationship, success
Where did these fundamental beliefs come from?
Parents, media, environment, experiences, culture
Philosophy as a reflective activity
It is not just something that we have, but it is also something that we do
Philosophy as a reflective activity
Questioning and examining our fundamental beliefs and ideas
Philosophy as a reflective activity
Our beliefs should come from us not anymore from other people
Philosophy as a reconstructed body of beliefs framed in a more systematic and comprehensive manner
Famous philosophers have devoted their lives to answering fundamental questions
ETHICS - A set of fundamental beliefs, views, assumptions, and ideas about right and wrong, good and evil
Ethics - Pertains to standards and norms
Ethics - More appropriately termed as MORALITY
Ethics differs from person to person
Individual morality: one’s personal beliefs of what is right and wrong
Group morality: ex. A religion
Morality affects one’s judgments, actions, behaviors, and thoughts
Ethics really is an activity more than a concept
Ethics as a reflective activity
Looks into the soundness, reasonableness, and appropriateness of the moral standards a person or a society espouses
Ethics as a reflective activity
Hence, it is necessary to subject our moral beliefs and practices to a reflective analysis
A reconstructed body of beliefs about morality framed in a more systematic and comprehensive manner
Ethics here is more appropriately termed as moral philosophy or moral thoughts
inquires into the fundamental concepts and assumptions about morality
i.e What is the nature of moral claims?
NORMATIVE ETHICS - Concerned with the moral standards to determine right from wrong conduct
Normative Ethics
here we look at the morality of an act
Judgment, whether an act is right or wrong, is based on a norm or a standard
General Theories of Normative Ethics
Virtue Ethics
Consequentialist - Judges based on the consequences of the action
Deontological - Does the action conform to moral norms or principles?
Deontological - ethical theory that focuses on the moral obligations of individuals.
Virtue Ethics - Looks at the actor (the one that did the action)
Virtue Ethics - Character of the moral agents is judged
Virtue Ethics - the study of what is good and bad, and how to live a good life
APPLIED ETHICS - Examines the particular issues in both the personal and social spheres that are matters of moral judgement
The practical applications of ethics
Business Ethics
Environmental Ethics
Media Ethics
Technology Ethics
Legal Ethics
Beginning-of-Life Issues, sustenance-of-Life Issues, End-of-Life Issues, and Information and Research Issues belong to what practical application of ethics?
Systemic Issues, Corporate Issues, and Individual Issues belong to what practical application of ethics?
Business Ethics
Sustainability Issues, Non-human Interest Issues, and Environmental Justice Issues belong to what practical aspect of ethics?