
Cards (69)

  • what's the title of the lesson 1
    sports injury
  • are damaged tissues or organs which occur when it encounters trauma or physical force that is greater than what it can resist or absorb.
  • direction of forces applied to musculoskeletal structures
    Compressive, Tensile, Shear
  • compressing the muscle, and one of the example is when ''nadagan ng puno''
  • over stretch
  • the muscle moves in another direction. (force)
  • two types of injuries
    chronic/overuse, acute injuries
  • sign and symptoms occur after a long period of exposure to the force
  • have signs and symptoms (E.G., Pain, Treatment) that manifest immediately after force application.
    acute injuries
  • three types of overuse injuries according to severity
    stage 1-stage3
  • complain of pain only after the activity, game, or training session
    stage 1
  • Complain during and after an activity but do not feel it during test
    stage 2
  • the athlete feels pain whether at rest or play
    stage 3
  • it stabilizes joints (bone to bone)
  • attaches muscles to bones
  • ligaments and tendons similarity
    both are connective tissue
  • creates movements
  • anchor for muscles
  • fulcrum for movement
  • the chart that can show the structure and their function
    musculoskeletal structures
  • common sports injuries (acute injuries)
    sprain, strain, fracture, dislocation, wounds,concussion
  • injuries from the soft tissues affecting the ligaments and blood vessels which are stretched and occasionally torn or partially torn.

  • injuries to muscles or tendons from over exertion affecting the fibers which are stretched and sometimes partially torn.

  • sprain - ligaments
  • strains - tendons
  • in sprain there's 3 grade
  • what grade on sprain when the ligament is not tear but aching
    grade 1
  • what grade on sprain when the ligament is a little bit torn
    grade 2
  • grade of sprain if the ligament is entirely torn apart from each other.
    grade 3
  • what type of classification of sprain and strains according to severity it is when you feel pain when moved, have a minimal tear and is in 1st degree.
  • it is when you can feel the pain at rest and when moved, it has also had a partial tear and is the second degree
  • it is when you completely loss of function, it has a complete tear and is in the third degree
  • difference between fracture and dislocation
    fracture is when the bone breaks apart, while the bone in dislocation just got misplaced
  • breaking of a part, especially a bone. break in the continuity of bone. may caused by trauma, twisting due to muscle spasms, or indirect loss of leverage or by disease.
  • causes of fracture
    1. by direct blow
    2. by crushing force
    3. by fall or automobile accident
  • types of fracture
    1. transverse
    2. linear
    3. oblique nondisplaced
    4. oblique displaced
    5. spiral
    6. greenstick
    7. comminuted
  • crack is horizontal
  • the crack is vertical
  • the bone crack is middle horizontally but does not break into each other
    oblique nondisplaced
  • the bone crack is middle horizontally but it is entirely break into each other
    oblique displaced