Developmental Stages

Cards (13)

  • Developmental Stages 
    • are the different periods that individual encounters all throughout his/her life.
  • Developmental Task
    • defined as the different tasks which should be learned at a specific point of time and which makes the achievement of succeeding tasks possible.
  • Robert James Havighurst
    • a professor, physicist, educator, and aging expert, defined developmental task as that “which is learned at a specific point and which makes the achievement of succeeding tasks possible".
  • Havighurst
    • "When the timing is right, the ability to learn a particular task will be possible."
    • Conception to birth
    • Age when hereditary endowments and sex are fixed and all body features both external and internal are developed.
    • Birth to 2 years
    • Foundation age when basic behavior are organized and many ontogenetic maturation skills are developed.
    • 2 to 6 years old
    • Pre-gang age, exploratory and questioning. Language and Elementary reasoning are acquired and initialization of social skills are experienced.
    • 6 to 12 years old
    • Gang and creativity age when self-help skills, social skills and play are developed.
    • Puberty to 18 years
    • Transition age from childhood to adulthood when sex maturation and rapid physical development occur resulting to changes in ways of feeling, thinking and acting.
    • 18 to 40 years old
    • Age of adjustment to new patterns of life and roles such as spouse, parent and bread winner.
    • 40 years to retirement
    • Transition age when adjustments to initial physical and mental decline are experienced.
    • Retirement to death
    • Retirement age when increasingly rapid physical and mental decline are experienced.
  • Human Development
    • focuses on human growth and changes across the lifespan, including physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality, and emotional growth.