Not all energy transferred to the charge carriers is available to the circuit, as some is transferred to the internal resistance of the cell
This results in a difference between the measured pd across the terminals of the power supply & the actual emf of the cell, which is referred to as the lost volts & is equal to the pd across the internal resistor
The internal resistance can be modelled as the source of emf being in series with its internal resistance, r. For a circuit with this power source attached to a resistor of resistance R, we can us the equation:
E = I(R+r)
to model the circuit. IR is equal to the V, the terminal pd of the cell, & Ir is equal to the lost volts
Potential dividers:
V out = (R2/ R1+R2) x V in
where V in is the emf of the circuit, and V out is the p.d across R2
Potential divider circuits are set up with a p.d distributed across 2 resistors, with one of the resistors being connected to another circuit which uses the V out pd.
One of the resistors is typically a sensor or variable resistor, so that the resistance of the V out resistor is decreasing in proportion to the total circuit resistance, the pd across this resistor, V out will also decrease
Ohm's law --> For conductors at a constant temperature the current is directly proportional to the pd across it.
Ohmic/ normal metal --> Applies to any metal wires provided that the current isn't large enough to increase their temperature
Resistance is caused by collisions between electrons and positive ions
resistivity = a property of a material
resistance = property of an object
resistance is directly proportional to length
increasing the cross sectional area increases the routes available to charges and so decreases resistance.
Doubling the area halves the resistance
resistance is inversely proportional area
Resistance = (resistivity x length) / area
Resistivity = (resistance x area) / length
Resistivity of a material varies with temperature
for metals when temperature is increasing, fixed metal ions will vibrate at a greater frequency and amplitude. This increases the number of collisions of electrons with the ions, increasing the resistance
for semiconductors, the number density of charge carriers increases with increasing temperature, so the resistance of the material decreases
Some semiconductors have a negative temperature coefficient (NTC).
As the temperature of the material increases, the resistance of the material decreases
Change in resistance is dramatic therefore useful in temperature sensing circuits. E.g: thermistors & thermostats
Thermistors are non-ohmic components which is used to electrically measure the temperature
Made of an NTC semiconductor material, & as the current * temperature through the thermistor increases, the resistance decreases
Light dependent resistors (LDRs) are small, non-ohmic components made from semiconductors
When light intensity incident on the resistor is increasing, the resistance of the LDR decreases