AQA Alevel Particle Physics Flashcards

Cards (83)

  • What are isotopes?
    Atoms with the same number of protons and different number of neutrons
  • What is a proton?
    A subatomic particle that has a positive charge and that is found in the nucleus of an atom
  • What is the charge of a proton?
    +1.60e-19 C (relative charge: +1)
  • What is the mass of a proton?
    1.67e-27 kg (relative mass: 1)
  • What is a neutron?
    A subatomic particle that has no charge and that is found in the nucleus of an atom
  • What is the charge of a neutron?

  • What is the mass of a neutron?
    1.67e-27 kg (relative mass: 1)
  • What is an electron?
    A subatomic particle that has a negative charge and orbits the nucleus
  • What is the charge of an electron?
    -1.60e-19 C (relative charge: -1)
  • What is the mass of an electron?
    9.11e-31 kg (relative mass: 0.0005)
  • What is a positron?

    An antiparticle with +1 relative charge and -1 lepton number (an anti-electron). Also known as a beta plus particle/.
  • What is the Nucleon Number, A?
    The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom. It is equal to the relative mass of the atom. Also known as the mass number.
  • What is specific charge?
    The specific charge of a particle is its charge divided by its mass
  • What is the strong nuclear force?
    the powerful attractive force that binds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus
  • What is the range of the strong nuclear force of attraction?
    3-4 fm
  • Strong nuclear force is repulsive if particles are closer than
    0.5 fm (approx)
  • What is electrostatic force?
    Fundamental force that only affects charged particles
  • What is an alpha particle?
    Helium nucleus (2 protons and 2 neutrons)
  • What is a beta particle?
    High energy electron
  • What is gamma radiation?
    electromagnetic radiation emitted by an unstable nucleus
  • What is a neutrino?

    An uncharged lepton with very low mass compared with the electron
  • What is a photon?
    a packet (or quantum) of electromagnetic waves
  • Photon Energy equals
    E = hf
  • What is antimatter?
    Antiparticles that each have the same rest mass and, if charged, have equal and opposite charge to the corresponding particle.
  • What is annihilation?

    When a particle and its antiparticle meet, they destroy each other and become radiation.
  • What is pair production?
    When a gamma photon changes into a particle and an antiparticle
  • Definition of an electron volt
    One electron volt is the energy transferred when an electron is moved through a potential difference of 1 volt
  • What is a weak nuclear force?
    the force responsible for beta decay
  • What is a W boson?
    carrier of the weak nuclear force; W bosons have non-zero rest mass and may be positive or negative
  • What is electron capture?
    process in which an inner-shell electron of an atom is captured by the nucleus
  • What is a quark?
    Fundamental particle that forms baryons and mesons
  • What is a muon?
    A lepton that is negatively charged and has a greater rest mass than the electron. It will decay into an electron
  • What is a pion?

    A meson that consists of an up or down quark and an up or down antiquark. It is the exchange particle for strong nuclear force.
  • What is a kaon?
    a meson that consists of a strange quark or antiquark and another quark or antiquark. It can decay into pions
  • What are hadrons?
    particles and antiparticles that can interact through the strong interaction (e.g. protons, neutrons, pi mesons, K mesons)
  • What is a baryon?
    A hadron consisting of three quarks or three antiquarks
  • What are leptons?
    Particles and antiparticles that do not interact through the strong interaction (e.g. electrons, muons, neutrinos)
  • What is a meson?
    A hadron consisting of a quark and an antiquark
  • What do mesons decay into?
    Photons and leptons by the weak nuclear force
  • What is a strange particle?
    Contains strange quarks
    Created through strong interaction and decay through weak interaction
    Created in pairs (particle + antiparticle) to conserve strangeness