Nazi Propaganda

Cards (12)

  • Who was behind Propaganda in Germany?
    Joseph Goebbels
  • How were Newspapers used as Propaganda in Nazi Germany?
    • Only stories that put Nazis in a good light were permitted
    • Negative stories about Germany's "enemies" were used
    • Newspapers that didn't comply were shut down
  • How were films used as Propaganda in Nazi Germany?
    • 45 minute newsreel of Nazi achievements must be played before every film screening
    • Storylines had to be approved by Goebbels
  • How were books, theatre and music used as Propaganda in Nazi Germany?

    Writers were forced to write books, plays and songs that praised Hitler and the Nazis
  • How was the Radio used as Propaganda in Nazi Germany?
    • Cheap radios were produced that could only tune into Nazi-controlled stations
    • Speakers were placed in streets, factories and cafés to air broadcasts
  • What methods of Propaganda were used in public in Nazi Germany?
    • Mass Rallies
    • Huge Arenas built to showcase choirs, bands, speeches, fireworks and air displays (Used to show how organised the Nazis were)
    • Posters to show how good Hitler was
  • What was the Chamber of Culture?
    If you wanted to be a writer, musician or artist in Germany, you had to be a member of this organisation to do so
  • How was literature effected by "The Chamber of Culture"?
    • Many books were banned as they were "Un-German"
    • Goebbels encouraged books about race, the glory of war and how amazing the Nazis were
    • Hitler's "Mein Kampf" became bestselling book in Germany
    • 2500 writers left Germany between 1933 and 1945
  • How was art effected by the "The Chamber of Culture"?
    • Nazis wanted art that showed how great they were
    • Hitler hated modern art - he thought it was perverted
    • 1936 - 5000 pieces of art that were against the Nazi image were burnt, replaced by officially approved paintings
  • How was design/architecture effected by "The Chamber of Culture"?
    The movement of "Bauhaus" (Simple practical buildings and objects designed with new technology) was stopped in 1933
  • How were Sports and Leisure activities effected by "The Chamber of Culture"?
    • The 1936 Berlin Olympic games was seen as a Propaganda opportunity
    • Germany came top of the medals table, showing how strong and united they were as a country
  • How was Music effected by "The Chamber of Culture"?
    • Official approval was given to music traditional marching songs, folk music and classical music composed by German and Austrian composers
    • Jazz was banned as it had African American origins