The totaldistancetravelled from when the driversees the obstruction to when the carstops.
What two parts make up the stopping distance?
Thinkingdistance - The distancetravelled by the car during the driver'sreactiontime. The reactiontime is the timetaken for the driver to spot the obstruction, make a decision and move their foot to the break.
Brakingdistance - The distance the cartravels from when the driverapplies the breaks to when the carstops.
What effect does speed have on the stopping distance?
The greater the speed of the vehicle, the greater the stoppingdistance ( assuming the samebrakingforce is applied).
What is a common speed limit in the UK?
30 mph and at this speed a typical car what take 23m to stop (6 car lengths)
What is the range of reaction time for people?
0.2s and 0.9s
What factors increase a persons reaction time?
Oldage, fatigue, distractions, alcohol/drugs. These factors all increase the thinkingdistance.
What factors affect the braking distance?
Wet / icyconditionsreducefriction between the tyres and the road, increasing the brakingdistance
Worntyresreducefriction between the tyres and the road.