A detailed/in depth study of an individual, small group, institution or event. It collects information from a variety of sources e.g. the person involved, their family + friends.
Key features of case studies
Involve the detailed/in-depth study of an individual, small group, institution or event
It collects information from a variety of sources e.g. the person involved, their family and friends.
Are often longitudinal in nature
It can collect both quantitative and qualitative data
It uses many different methods to gather information such as:
Tests e.g. IQ tests, memory
Strengths of case studies
allow researchers to study cases they couldn't practically or ethically manipulate in an experiment e.g. cases of amnesia you can't give people neurological damage to see how it effects memory
highecologicalvalidity as they study real life situations
findingsvalid as researcher can triangulate findings from differentmethods used on the same case study
Weaknesses of case studies
possible ethical issues as there are issues with anonymity/confidentiality due to studying one group or individual
low in reliability as based on naturally occurring events, therefore difficult to repeat study to check consistency in findings