Sheila is a pretty girl in her early twenties, very pleased with life and rather excited.'
Act 1
...except for alllastsummer, when you nevercamenearme, and I wonderedwhathadhappenedto you.'
Act 1
Act 1
(who has put ring on, admiringly) I think it's perfect. Now I really feel engaged.'
Act 1
...I can't helpthinking about thisgirl - destroyingherself so horribly - and I've been so happytonight.'
Act 1
But thesegirls aren't cheaplabour - they're people.'
Act 1
I went to the manager at Milwards and I told him that if they didn't get ridofthatgirl, I'd nevergonear the placeagain...'
Act 1
When I was lookingatmyself in themirror I caught sight of her smilingattheassistant, and I was furiouswithher.'
Act 1
...thisgirl...held the dressup...and it just suitedher. She was the righttype for it, just as Iwaswrongtype.'
Act 1
It's the onlytime I've everdoneanythinglikethat, and I'll never,neverdoitagain to anybody.'
Act 1
You gaveyourselfawayassoonashementionedherothername.'
Act 1
Why - youfool - heknows. Of course he knows. And I hatetothinkhowmuchheknowsthatwedon'tknowyet.'
Act 1
No, Mother - please!'
Act 2
I feel you're beginning all wrong.'
Act 2
We all started like that - so confident, so pleased with ourselves until he began asking us questions.'
Act 2
You mustn't try to build up a kind of wall between us and that girl. If you do, then the Inspector will just break it down.'
Act 2
This isn't the time to pretend that Eric isn't used to drink. He's been steadily drinking too much for the last two years.'
Act 2
No, he's giving us the rope - so that we'llhangourselves.'
Act 2
I want to understand exactly what happens when a man says he's so busy at the works that he can hardly ever find time to come and see the girl he's supposed to be in love with.'
Act 2
And probably between us we killed her.'
Act 2
...we've no excusenow for putting on airs and...if we've anysensewewon'ttry.'
Act 2
Mother, I think it was cruel and vile.'
Act 2
Mother - I begged you and begged you to stop.'
Act 2
I behaved badly too. I know I did. I'm ashamed of it. But now you're beginning all over again to pretend nothing much has happened -'
Act 3 don't seem to have learnt anything.'
Act 3
...if all that's come out tonight is true, then it doesn't much matter who it was who made us confess.'
Act 3
And Eric's absolutely right. And it's the best thing any one of us has said tonight and it makes me feel a bit less ashamed of us.'
Act 3
But that won't bring Eva Smith back to life, will it?'