Dispositional explanation: Authoritarian Personality

Cards (10)

  • procedure of Authoritarian Personality: Adorno et al (1950)
    • 2000 mid-class, white Americans - subconsc. attitudes to other racial groups
    • measured using F-scale (likeness to fascism)
  • What is the authoritarian personality?

    Type of personality Adorno argued is susceptible to obeying authority figures.
    > individuals with AP thought to be submissive to those in higher status and dismissive of those they see as "inferior"
  • findings of Adorno's study of AP
    • authoritarian leanings (high on F-scale) -> identified with strong ppl; contempt towards weak
    • conscious of status (them and others) -> excessive respect, deference and servility
  • cognitive findings of Adorno's study
    • no "fuzziness" between groups of ppl.
    • fixed stereotypes abt groups
    • positive correlation -> authoritarianism & prejudice
  • authoritarian characteristics
    • tend to be especially obedient
    • extreme respect of authority -> very sub.
    • contempt to people they perceive as "inferior"
    • believe we need strong leaders to enforce trad. values
    • inflexible; no "grey areas" - also known as "absolutist/black-and--white" thinking
  • origin of authoritarian personality
    • formed in childhood
    > parenting style incl: harsh discipline; expectation of absolute loyalty; severe criticism of failings
    • creates resentment + hostility towards parents BUT since they can't display these towards parents, they displace this onto other people (i.e., scapegoating)
  • How does this explain the authoritarian personality?
    • central trait of obedience -> dislike to those they perceive as socially "inferior"
    This is a psychodynamic explanation
  • weakness: methodological criticisms
    point: weakness - methodological issues with F-scale
    evidence: F-scale susceptible to acquiescence bias (answering same on all scales regardless of content)
    explain: weakness b/c it means the findings from the F-scale may not be truly representative of the ppts.
    link: weakness - methodological criticisms b/c lacks validity and reliability
  • weakness: doesn't explain all cases
    point: weakness is AP doesn't explain all cases of obedience on political scale
    evidence: F-scale measures likeness to Fascism (right-wing) BUT left-wing authoritarianism (Bolshevism) exists
    > theory ignores Bolshevism; more sim. than diff.
    explain: weakness b/c it means AP cannot account for the Fascist-like views which may be present across the whole spectrum (e.g., emphasis on respect of legit authority)
    link: weakness - doesn't explain all b/c can't generalise
  • weakness: lacks ecological validity
    point: weakness is AP lacks eco. validity
    evidence: can't explain many IRL cases of mass obed. (e.g., unlikely whole German pop. in Nazi Germany had AP)
    > many shared same struggles; displaced FEAR about future on perceived inferior groups
    explain: weakness b/c means the explanation is limited in some cases of obedience
    link: weakness - lacks ecological validity b/c means findings may not have a lot of real-world application.