Cards (46)

  • Address Bus:
    • Carries the address, a unique binary pattern used to identify a memory location or an I/O port
    • An 8-bit address bus has 8 lines and can address 256 different locations (00H - FFH in hexadecimal format)
  • Control Bus:
    • Carries control signals for selection of memory or I/O device from the given address, direction of data transfer, and synchronization of data transfer in case of slow devices
  • Microprocessor (MPU) System Components:
    • CPU
    • Memory
    • Input
    • Output
    • Data Bus
    • Control Bus
    • Address Bus
  • A word refers to the basic data size or bit size that can be processed by the arithmetic and logic unit of the processor
  • A bus is a group of wires/lines that carry similar information.
  • The system bus is a group of wires/lines used for communication between the microprocessor and peripherals
  • The number of bits that can be stored in a register or memory element is called a memory word
  • A bit is a single binary digit
  • The microprocessor also known as the central processing unit, is the brain of all computers and many household and electronic devices
  • Multiple microprocessors, working together, are the "hearts" of datacenters, super-computers, communications products, and other digital devices
  • Fairchild Semiconductors (founded in 1957) invented the first IC in 1959
  • In 1968, Robert Noyce, Gordan Moore, Andrew Grove, resign from Fairchild semiconductors
  • Founded their own company Intel (Integrated Electronics)
  • The first microprocessor invented was of a 4 bit, after that 8 bit, 16bit ,32 bit & 64 bit are founded
  • 4-bit microprocessor
    • Intel 4004
    • Intel 4040
  • 8-bit microprocessor
    • Intel 8008
    • Intel 8080
    • Intel 8085
  • 16-bit microprocessor
    • Intel 8086
    • Intel 8088
    • Intel 80186 & 80188
    • Intel 80286
  • 32-bit microprocessor
    • Intel 80386
    • Intel pentium
    • Intel pentium pro
    • Intel pentium II
    • Intel pentium II xeon
    • Intel pentiium III
    • Intel pentium IV
    • Intel dual core
  • 64-bit microprocessors
    • Intel core 2
    • Intel core i7
    • Intel core i5
    • Intel core i3
  • MPU (CPU)
    • Read Instructions
    • Process binary data
  • Storage Device
    • Addresses
    • Registers
  • Major Categories
    • Read/Write Memory
    • Read only Memory
  • Input Devices
    • Switches and Keypads
    • Provide binary information to the MPU
  • Output Devices
    • LEDs and LCDs
    • Receive binary information from the MPU
  • Data bus
    • Bidirectional
    • transfer binary data and instructions
  • Address Bus
    • Unidirectional
    • Memory and I/O addresses
  • The MPU communicates with memory and I/O using the system bus
  • Control lines
    • Read and write timing signals
  • Microcontroller
    • A self-contained system in which a processor, support, memory, and i/o are all contained in a single package
    • A small computer system on a single IC
  • History of MCU
    • First used in 1975 (Intel 8048)
    • the introduction of EEPROM in 1993, allowed microcontrollers to be electrically erased
    • The same year, Atmel introduced the first microcontroller using flash memory
  • MCU architecture
    • Memory - RAM ,ROM ,Store data and code
    • CPU - mathematical and logical operation. - memory units are called register
  • Microcomputer Programming Languages
    Three main types:
    Machine LanguageAssembly LanguageHigh-level Language
  • Machine Language
    • a program written for adding two numbers using the Intel 8086
  • Assembly Language
    Each line includes four fields:
    • Label field
    • Instruction, mnemonic, or op-code field
    • Operand field
    • Comment field
  • One Pass Assembler -goes through the assembly language program once and translates it into a machine language program
  • Two Pass Assembler -scans the assembly language program twice. In the first pass, this assembler creates a symbol table.
  • Macroassembler- translates a program written in macrolanguage into the machine language. This assembler lets the programmer define all instruction sequences using macros
  • Cross Assembler- typically resident in a processor and assembles programs for another for which it is written.
  • Resident Assembler- assembles programs for a processor in which it is resident.
  • Meta-assembler- can assemble programs for many different types of processors