Carries the address, a unique binary pattern used to identify a memory location or an I/O port
An 8-bit address bus has 8 lines and can address 256 different locations (00H - FFH in hexadecimal format)
Carries control signals for selection of memory or I/O device from the given address, direction of data transfer, and synchronization of data transfer in case of slow devices
Microprocessor (MPU) System Components:
Data Bus
A word refers to the basic data size or bit size that can be processed by the arithmetic and logic unit of the processor
A bus is a group of wires/lines that carry similar information.
The system bus is a group of wires/lines used for communication between the microprocessor and peripherals
The number of bits that can be stored in a register or memory element is called a memory word
A bit is a single binary digit
The microprocessor also known as the central processing unit, is the brain of all computers and many household and electronic devices
Multiple microprocessors, working together, are the "hearts" of datacenters, super-computers, communications products, and other digital devices
Fairchild Semiconductors (founded in 1957) invented the first IC in 1959
In 1968, Robert Noyce, Gordan Moore, Andrew Grove, resign from Fairchild semiconductors
Founded their own company Intel (Integrated Electronics)
The first microprocessor invented was of a 4 bit, after that 8 bit, 16bit ,32 bit & 64 bit are founded
4-bit microprocessor
Intel 4004
Intel 4040
8-bit microprocessor
Intel 8008
Intel 8080
Intel 8085
16-bit microprocessor
Intel 8086
Intel 8088
Intel 80186 & 80188
Intel 80286
32-bit microprocessor
Intel 80386
Intel pentium
Intel pentium pro
Intel pentium II
Intel pentium II xeon
Intel pentiium III
Intel pentium IV
Intel dual core
64-bit microprocessors
Intel core 2
Intel core i7
Intel core i5
Intel core i3
Read Instructions
Process binary data
Major Categories
Input Devices
Switches and Keypads
Provide binary information to the MPU
Output Devices
LEDs and LCDs
Receive binary information from the MPU
Data bus
transfer binary data and instructions
Address Bus
Memory and I/O addresses
The MPU communicates with memory and I/O using the system bus
Read and write timing signals
A self-contained system in which a processor, support, memory, and i/o are all contained in a singlepackage
A small computer system on a single IC
History of MCU
First used in 1975 (Intel8048)
the introduction of EEPROM in 1993, allowed microcontrollers to be electrically erased
The same year, Atmel introduced the first microcontroller using flashmemory
MCU architecture
Memory - RAM ,ROM ,Store data and code
CPU - mathematical and logical operation. - memory units are called register
• a program written for adding two numbers using the Intel 8086
Each line includes four fields:
• Label field
• Instruction, mnemonic, or op-code field
• Operand field
• Comment field
One PassAssembler -goes through the assembly language program once and translates it into a machine language program
TwoPassAssembler -scans the assembly language program twice. In the first pass, this assembler creates a symbol table.
Macroassembler- translates a program written in macrolanguage into the machine language. This assembler lets the programmer define all instruction sequences using macros
Cross Assembler- typically resident in a processor and assembles programs for another for which it is written.
Resident Assembler- assembles programs for a processor in which it is resident.
Meta-assembler- can assemble programs for many different types of processors