culturing microorganisms

Cards (7)

    • “Culturing” means growing micro-organisms.
    • To accelerate growth they are often given optimal temperature, oxygen, pH and food.
    • The “food” here is called nutrient medium.
    • It can come in jelly form (agar plates) or broth form (liquid)
  • If conditions are not controlled when culturing microorganisms then growth is affected.
    • In industry culturing microorganisms is often done using a fermenter.
    • Fermenters monitor and control all aforementioned factors affecting growth.
    • There are two types of fermentation; Batch fermentation and Continuous culture.
    • The processes involved in small scale cultures and industrial scale bioreactors all aim to maximise yield.
    • Yield may be a direct product e.g. Quorn
    • Yield may be a primary metabolite e.g. ethanol
    • Yield may be a secondary metabolite e.g. penicillin
    • Asepsis = the absence of micro organisms.
    • Bioreactors practice asepsis of unwanted microorganisms
    • All of this would not be possible if we didn’t use aseptic technique.
    • A lack of aseptic technique leads to contamination
    • It prevents growing organisms that would use up nutrients, oxygen and therefore decrease yield.
    • It reduces the risk of pathogenic micro-organisms developing
  • Inoculation = adding microorganisms to a nutrient medium