Describe the method for preparing an uncontaminated bacterial culture.
What 2 ways can bacteria be grown?
Bacteria can be grown using either a nutrient broth solution or as colonies on an agar gel plate.
1) Sterilise all petri dishes, bacterial nutrient broth and agar to kill any unwanted microorganisms + prevents contamination.
2) Sterilise inoculating look by passing it through a bunsen burner flame.
3) Transfer bacteria onto agar gel plate.
4) Attach the lid of the petri dish using adhesive tape top stop the lid falling off + prevent contamination with bacteria in the air.
5) Place the agar plate upside down into an incubator to stop moisture dripping down and disrupting the colonies.
(at school, we normally incubate bacteria at 25 degrees celsius to reduce the chances that harmful bacteria will grow).