2 - Electricity

Cards (100)

  • battery cell symbol?
  • switch (open) symbol?
  • switch (closed) symbol?
  • lamp symbol?
  • What is an electric current?
    - the flow of electric charge around a circuit
  • What is the unit of electric current?
    - ampere (A)
    - shortened to amp
  • How can we measure the current in a circuit?

    What is the symbol for this component?
    - by using an ammeter
  • How will the current be affected if we put this component in another position?
    - current is never used up in a circuit
    - in series, the current is the same all the way around
  • What direction does the electric current flow?
    - negative end of the cell to the positive end
  • How do lamps light up in a circuit?
    - electrons carry energy from the cell to the lamp
    => electrons pass this energy to the components in the circuit, e.g. the lamp
    => electrical energy transferred to light and thermal energy
  • What direction is the conventional current?
    - positive to negative end of the cell
  • How can you know that a circuit is a series circuit?
    - no branches
    - current only flows in one path
  • How do you know that a circuit is a parrelel circuit?
    - circuit conatins branches
  • How is the current affected when the ammeter is placed in a different position in a parralel circuit?
    - current splits when passing through branches
    - different current in each branch
  • What is key about the current in a parralel circuit?
    - the current in each branch adds up to the total current leaving the cell
  • What does a potential difference of 1V tell us?
    - a potential difference of 1V tells us that 1J of energy is transferred for each coulomb of charge that is moving through the circuit
  • How do we measure the potential diffeerrence in a circuit, what is the symbol for this component?

    - we can measure potential diffeence in a circuit using a voltmeter:
  • Where does a voltmeter have to be placed in the circuit?

    - a voltmeter has to be placed in parralel to a circuit
  • How does the potential difference in a circuit differ when we move the voltmeter's position, in a series circuit?

    - potential difference is the same everywhere in the circuit
  • What does this constant potential difference show?
    - that all the electrical energy is transferred into other forms of energy when passing through components
  • What happens to the brightness of one lamp if we add another lamp to the same circuit, in series?
    - lamp 1 becomes dimmer than how it was befoe the new lamp was added
  • How is the potential difference divided by two lamps instead of one?
    - the total energy carried by the electric current has been shared between the two lamps
  • What is the total potential difference across both lamps compared to the cell's?
    - the total p.d. across both lamps = the p.d.across the cell
  • Why would a lamp with 6V be brighter than a lamp with 3V?
    - the 6V lamp is transferring more energy so itis brighter (6J per coulomb of charge)
  • How does the potential difference differ when we move the position of the voltmeter, in a parrarel circuit?
    - for components connected in parallel, the potential difference across each component is the same
  • What is a battery?

    What is the component symbol for a battery?
    - 2 or more cells connected together
  • How must cells in a battery be connected?
    - they must both be facing the same direction
  • What is electrical charge measured in?
    Coulombs, C
  • What does a current of 1A tell us?
    - a current of 1A = 1C per second
  • What is the equation for electrical charge?
    Q = I x t
    charge (C) = current (A) x time (s)
  • What equation can we use to calculate the ENERGY TRANSFERRED by using the charge we have just worked out?
    E = Q x V
    energy (J) = charge (C) x p.d. (V)
  • What is resistance?
    - when they move, electrons collide with atoms in the metal =>
    transferred electrical energy into other forms, e.g. thermal

    - resistance tells us the potential difference required to drive a current through a component
  • What does a lower p.d. of one lamp tell us?
    - less p.d. needed to drive the current through the lamp
    => lower resistance
  • What is the equation for resistance?
    V = IR ===> R = V/I
    resistant (ohms) = p.d. / current
  • What is the symbol for the ohm?
  • What is the component symbol for a resistor?
  • How can a resistor be useful?
    - resistor increases resistance in circuit => reduce current
    => less p.d. across component
    => lamp is dimmer
    => LED does not get destroyed
  • What is the relationship between the current through a resistor and the potential difference?

    What would happen to the potential difference if we increase the current?
    currentpotential difference

    => if we increase the current, the potential difference will also increase
  • What is an ohmic conductor?

    - what must stay the same?
    A resistor in which the current is directly proportional to the potential difference at a constant temperature.
  • What is a filament?
    -very tightly coiled wire