The idea that the universe started as a tiny, dense mass which exploded creating an expanding universe to form space and planets as we know them
Christian views on origin of the universe
Universe was designed and created by God out of nothing
God made everything in 6 days and rested on the 7th
Some believe it was 6 time periods to account for fossils etc
Liberal Christians believe it is a metaphorical story and only believe got created the universe but may use science to explain it
Buddhist views on the origins of the universe
Do not believe in a creator
Cyclical version of universe
Accept BigBang theory
More important to find escape of suffering-poison arrow parable
Christian view on value of the world
Priceless gift from God, world gives sense of awe and respect for God's power
Buddhist view on value of the world
Valued as it provides and sustains life, provides conditions of enlightenment. World belongs to no one but we all have responsibility to care for it
Stewardship: The responsibility of a Christian to care for the environment and the resources within it on the behalf of God.
Dominion: Power and authority over the world
Stewardship- "work it and take care of it"
Dominion- "Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds in the sky and over every livingcreature that moves on the ground"
Christian ideas on stewardship
Responsibility for care has been passed down to the rest of humanity which means it is the role of humans to look after the world of God, if they exploit the world they are destroying what belongs to God
In return for caring for the world, humans may use it to sustain life
Most Buddhists are aware of the importance of not damaging the world and looking after it for future generations.
Misusing the environment causes suffering for themselves and others
1st moral precept encourages Buddhists to not harm
Pollution: To contaminate something with harmful substances.
Christian views on pollution
Want to reduce pollution
Parable of Talents warns God will be final judge about how responsible humans have been in looking after the earth.
Pollution is not loving towards others
Buddhists are keen to reduce pollution because pollution directly or indirectly causes harm to every living creature which contradicts the first moral precept.
Action taken by Christians and Buddhists includes:
Pope Francis calling everyone to take action
Local communities cleaning the environment e.g. litter picking
Joining environmental organizations e.g. Greenpeace
Holy Isle Project (Buddhist organization) aims to protect local environment and reduce waste
Christian attitudes towards animals
Believe animals were created by God for humans to use and care for
Some believe humans are more important than animals as we were created 'in God's image' but we should treat them kindly
Buddhist attitudes towards animals
Believe animals should be treated with metta and karuna
Causing harm to animals is unskillful and causes bad karma & goes against 1st moral precept
Should not make a living from something that harms others including animals
Christian views on animal testing
Can be justified if testing is necessary and welfare of animals is considered
It can be used to help save human lives
Buddhist views on animal testing
Some are against as they cause animals harm
Others think its acceptable to save human lives
Christian views on using animals for food
No rules about eating meat
Believe God gave animals as a source of food
Vegetarians and vegans point out of land used for animals grew crops much more food would be available which would please God
"Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you" - Genesis
Buddhist views on using animals for food
Many are vegetarian/vegan as it reduces harm done to animals
Mahayana scriptures state Buddha insisted his followers do not eat meat
Eating meat does not show compassion and creates atmosphere of fear
Other scriptures reference monks and Buddha eating meat
Christians beliefs about origins of life
Genesis 1 says God created all life
Genesis 2 says God created man first
Many do not believe this is true
Some do not believe in evolution but majority accept it
Buddhist views on origins of life
Buddha said anything can come into existence if correct conditions are present
It is not possible to identify a beginning or end to earth
Can believe in evolution (right conditions)
Abortion: The deliberate termination of a pregnancy by a woman.
Abortion can happen until 24 weeks of pregnancy unless mother's life is in danger or the foetus is severely deformed.
Christians views on abortion
Sanctity of life-only God can give and take life
Many believe life begins at conception therefore abortion is murder
Some may believe it is acceptable if pregnancy is a result of rape or child will have poor quality of life
Buddhist views on abortion
Abortion is seen as murder in general so goes against 1st moral precept and is unskillful
Some may favour abortion if baby will be born with a severe disability
Some believe it is personal choice and is up to the pregnant person
Views differ depending on country and social norms/traditions
Arguments for pro-choice
Mother's life is more important than foetus'
Mother has to carry, birth and raise the foetus so should choose whether to continue the pregnancy
Life doesn't start until birth or when foetus can survive outside the womb so abortion is not killing
It's cruel to allow a severely disabled child to be born
Arguments for pro-life
Pro-life groups argue life begins at conception so abortion is murder
It's possible for disabled children to have a good QoL
Unwanted children can be put up for adoption
Those who choose abortion can experience guilt and depression afterwards
Euthanasia: painless killing of a patient who is suffering from an incurable or painful illness, or is in an irreversible coma.
3 types of euthanasia are:
Voluntary-ill person asks for their life to be ended
Involuntary-person is capable of expressing choice but is not given the opportunity
Non-voluntary-person is too ill to ask to die but doctor ends their life as it is thought to be in their bestinterest
Christian views on euthanasia
Many believe it is murder and interferes with God's plan
Against sanctity of life
If euthanasia was legal, old people may feel pressured to end their lives to lessen burden on families
Suffering brings people closer to Jesus
Salvation army says it "undermines human dignity and is morally wrong"
Some support if it is most loving thing to do
People have free will
Buddhist views on euthanasia
Oppose as goes against 1st moral precept
Many would respect the person's wishes to do what they want
Could be compassionate to help someone end their lives if they are suffering a lot
State of mind is important at death as it affects rebirth
Natural death may be better for karma
Dalai Lama says it should be avoided except in exceptional circumstances
Christian beliefs of the afterlife
Jesus' resurrection is proof of afterlife
After death they are judged by God then will be eternally in heaven or eternally in hell
Catholics believe in middle stage (Purgatory) where souls are purified before going to heaven
Some believe judgement happens as soon as a person dies
Others believe judgement will happen at the end of the world and Jesus will return
Some believe in bodily resurrection, others in soul resurrection
Some believe God would not condemn people to hell and everyone goes to heaven
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"
"Having reached perfection, fearless, without craving, without blemish he has cut off the darts of existence. This body is his last."
Buddhist teaching on the afterlife
Death is a process, consciousness passes on from body over period of hours or days
People are reborn after they die. At some point after death the consciousness enters another life at the point at its conception
Quality of rebirth depends upon ethical quality of person's actions
What happens after death depends on state of mind when dying
Someone who is enlightened is free future rebirths