Traditional conservatism - belief in national institutions and traditions, strong government, maintaining law and order
Electoral sucess is more important than ideology
Traditionalism - no change of values but can be accepting of change - organicism
Organicism - Conservatives accept change that has occured naturally in society (David Cameron legalising gay marriage 2013 Marriage Act due to Conservatives supporting the values of marriage, safe and healthy homes for children)
Sceptiscism - doubt about the moral values and intellectual character of humans and the capacity for people to make positive changes/ decisions
One nation Toryism (Wets, Europhiles)
Encouraged role of the state and government intervention
Regulation of the economy
Welfare state and NHS - necessary for the nation
Concerned with the welfare of those vulnerable in society
Pragmatic approach to policy making - based on experience not ideology
New Right Conservatism
Economic liberalism
Minimal government intervention to deal with the economy and social issues
Individualism and free market
Strong state - maintenance of law and order
Radical change
Hostility toward the welfare state and government intervention
Privatisation, deregulation
Hostility towards trade unions
Taxation - shift from direct to indirect taxes
Thatcherism is often linked closely with Classical Liberalism:
Freedom, tolerance, and equality
Self reliance
Self improvement
Less state intervention
Conservative Party Structure:
Conservative Associations (local members)
CCHQ - headquarters
Parliamentary party
Conservative party structure pre 1998
Parliamentary party
National Union of Conervative and Unionist Associations - voluntary party activity outside Parliament
Conservative Central Office - HQ and main staff
Traditionally, the Conservative Party is funded by few large donors and generally receive the most in donations
In 2017, the Conserevative received £40 million in donations