Solar thermal energy (STE) is a form of energy and technology for harnessing solar energy to generate thermal energy or electrical energy for use in industry, residential, and commercial sectors
The first installation of solar thermal energy equipment occurred in the Sahara Desert around 1910, where a steam engine was run on steam produced by sunlight
High-temperature collectors concentrate sunlight using mirrors or lenses and are used for heat requirements up to 300 degrees Celsius and 20 bar pressure in industries and for electric power production
Concentrated Solar Thermal (CST) is used for heat requirements in industries, while Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) is used when the heat collected is for power generation
Solar thermal collector systems gather heat from solar radiation and transfer it to a heat transport fluid, which then delivers it to thermal storage tanks, boiler steam generators, or heat exchangers
Thermal-electric conversion systems receive thermal energy and drive steam turbine generators or gas turbine generators to supply electrical energy to loads or the AC grid
Concentrating collectors collect solar energy with high intensity using reflectors or refractors for medium and high-temperature applications such as steam production for electricity generation
Parabolic Dish Collectors have mirror-like reflectors and can reach temperatures up to 2000 degrees Celsius, with higher efficiency for converting solar energy to electricity
Center Receiver Type (Solar Power Tower) uses flat tracking mirrors to reflect solar energy to a central receiver mounted on a tower, achieving high concentration of energy
Advantages of concentrating collectors over flat collectors include reduced absorber size, lower thermal losses, and increased efficiency at high temperatures