Cards (85)

  • 25th October 1918
    Kiel Mutiny
    Naval CommandersatKielordered sailors to fight, leading to mutiny
  • 6th November 1918
    Soldier's and workers' councils establishedin some German Cities
  • 9th November 1918
    Kaiser Abdicated
    Kaiser went into exile in Holland
  • 10th November 1918
    Friedrich Ebert suspneded the old Reichstag and formed theCouncil of People's Representativewhich took control in Germany
  • 11th November 1918
    The Armistice was signed
  • January 1919
    First electionswere held for the Weimar Parliment
  • 5th January 1919
    The Spartacist Uprising
    (Left Wing)
  • June 28th 1919

    Treaty of Versailleswas signed
  • 31st July 1919
    A new constitution was approved by the National Assembly
  • 1919
    Hitler joined the DAP
  • 1920
    Hitler was second in commandof the DAP
  • March 1920
    Kapp Putsch
  • August 1920
    DAP changed its name to theNAZI Party
  • July 1921

    Hitler became leader of the Nazi Party
  • August 1921
    SA formed
    SA formed in August 1921 by Hitler and put under the command of Ernst Rohm
  • 1923
    Begining ofHyperinflation
  • January 1923
    Invasion of the Ruhr
    French Troops invaded the Ruhr to take reparation payments in goods and raw materials. The Weimar government printed more money to pay strikers which lead to hyperinflation.
  • November 1923
    TheGerman Mark was worthless
  • 8th - 9th November 1923
    Munich Putsch
  • 1923-1929 Gustav Stresemann
    Gustav Stresemann resigned the chancellorship in November 1923 but stayed as foreign secreatory until 1929.
  • November 1923
    Rentenbank & Rentenmark
    Stressemann set up the temperary Rentenbank and issued the new currency called the Rentenmark.
    Supply of these notes was tightly controlled and their value was tied to the price of gold.
  • August 1924
    Reichsbank & Reichsmark
    The Reichsbank was given control of this new currency. It was renamed the Reichsmark and hyperinflation was over.
  • 1925
    SS was set up by Hitlerto be his personal body guards led by Himmler.
  • 1924
    The Dawes Plan, 1924
    Charles Dawes, an American Banker designed a plan so Germany could pay it's reperations:
    - Instalments were temporarily reduced to £50 million a year.- US Banks agreed to make loans to german industry.
  • 1925
    Locarno Pact, 1925
    An agreement between Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Beligium: In it:- Germany agreed to it's new border with France improving relations with the French
    - The Allies and Germany agreed to the permanent demilitarisation of the Rhineland.
    - German membership of the League of Nations was up for discussion.
  • 1926
    Bamberg Conference
  • 1926
    Germany joins the League of Nations
    This was an international body that hoped to discuss world problems in order to avoid war. It was set up in 1920 but Germany was initally excluded. In 1926 they were invited to join and they became a member of the council.
  • 1928
    Kellogg-Briand Pact , 1928
    It was an agreement between 62 nations. It committed countries to avoiding the use of war to achieve foreign policy objectives.
  • August 1929
    Young Plan 1929
    In August 1929 a committee set uo by the Allies and led by an American banker Owen Young proposed a plan.
    - The Young plan reduced the total reparations debt from £6.6 billion to $2 billion.- The payments could be made over a longer time up until 1988- Lower reparations meant lower taxes for German People.
  • 1924 - 29 Changes for Women + Workers + Cultural Changes

    1924 - 29 Changes for Women + Workers + Cultural ChangesLiving standards improved after 1924:
    Wages & Work:- Working hours reduced- Wages rose- Working conditions improved
    Unemployment Insurance:- 3% of workers' earnings were deducted to be put towards insuarance that would give them a basic amount of benifts if they became unemployed or sick.
    Housing:- 15% rent tax was introduced to fund building associations.- Between 1925 & 1929 101 000 homes were built.
    Women:- New professions like teaching & medicine offerend new opportunities to women,- Encouraged to go to univerisy,- Greater earning power led to more independence for younger, single women.- Women were less intrested in marriage + family.- Earned the vote in 1918 + could stand for elections.- Article 109 stated women had equal rights to men and could enter professions on an equal baisis.- Marrigae was an equal parnership.
    Art:- Art made that commented on problmes of society.
    Cinema:- Films became popular and challanged traditional cinema.
    Architecture:- New archetacture challanged traditional ideas and practices in building.
  • October 1929
    Wall Street crash
  • April 1932
    Chancellor Bruningbans the SA.
    Hindenburg stands for re-election as president no party has 50% of the vote
  • May 1932
    Bruning is replaced by Von Papen(put forward by Von Schleicher). Von Schelicher planned acoalition between right wing supporters and the NAZIS. Hitler agreed to the coalition if theban of the SA is removed.
  • November 1932
    Von Papen Goes.
    Von Scheicher warns Hindenburg that if Von Papen stays as Chancellor there will be a civil war. Von Papen Goes
  • December 1932
    Von Schliecher becomes chancellor
  • January 1933
    Hitler becomes chancellor:
    - Von Schleicher does not have the support of the public or the Nazis.
    - He persuades Hindenburg that he could be the head of a military dictatorship.
    - Hindenburg refuses.
    - Von Papen persuades Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor to avoid Von Schleicher's military dictatorship. He also suggests that he sould be vice-chancellor so he can keep a check on Hitler.
    - Hitler Becomes Chancellor
  • 27th Febuary 1933
    The Reichstage Fire
  • 28th Febuary 1933
    Decree for the Protection of the People and the State
    Giving Hitler powers to imprison political oponnets and ban opposition newspapers.
  • March 1933
    March Elections- Hitler secured two-thirds of the seats (enough seats) tochange the constitution
  • March 1933
    The Enabling Act
    Hitler proposed the Enabling Act to destroy the power of the Recihstag. It stated:- The Reich Cabinet could pass new laws.- The laws could overrule the constitution- Hitler would propose the laws.
    Result Germany was no longer a democracy.