1924 - 29 Changes for Women + Workers + Cultural Changes
1924 - 29 Changes for Women + Workers + Cultural ChangesLiving standards improved after 1924:
Wages & Work:- Working hours reduced- Wages rose- Working conditions improved
Unemployment Insurance:- 3% of workers' earnings were deducted to be put towards insuarance that would give them a basic amount of benifts if they became unemployed or sick.
Housing:- 15% rent tax was introduced to fund building associations.- Between 1925 & 1929 101 000 homes were built.
Women:- New professions like teaching & medicine offerend new opportunities to women,- Encouraged to go to univerisy,- Greater earning power led to more independence for younger, single women.- Women were less intrested in marriage + family.- Earned the vote in 1918 + could stand for elections.- Article 109 stated women had equal rights to men and could enter professions on an equal baisis.- Marrigae was an equal parnership.
Art:- Art made that commented on problmes of society.
Cinema:- Films became popular and challanged traditional cinema.
Architecture:- New archetacture challanged traditional ideas and practices in building.