de Gaulle and Churchill

Cards (5)

  • When and where did they first meet?
    9 June 1940 . de Gaulle was sent to London to request more assistance from the British Air Force
  • What did they agree on?
    A join British and French invasion of Vichy controlled countries of Syria and Lebanon
  • Who was de Gaulle?
    Brigadier general in the French army
    Appointed to deputy minister of Defence
    Called his followers Free French
  • What did they think of each other?
    Churchill loved France
    Churchill refused to accept de Gaulle as the new leader of France
  • What did they disagree on?
    British occupation of Madagascar
    de Gaulle refused to cooperate with USA's favoured French resistance leader
    de Gaulle wouldn't work closely with former Vichy leader in North Africa - embarrassed Churchill