The product life cycle describes the different stages a product goes through from its conception to its eventual decline in sales
five stages in the product life cycle: development, introduction, growth, maturity, and decline
Development stage of product and its implications
designing and developing product
high costs for research, product testing
cash flow is negative so marketing focus on creating awareness and generating interest in product
Introduction stage and its implications
slow sales growth
cash flow still negative so marketing efforts maintenance, creating awareness and generating interest
Growth stage and its implications
rapid sales growth
focus shift to market share and increasing production to meet demand
positive cash flow
differentiate product from competitors and build brand loyalty
maturity stage and its implications
slowing sales growth
maintain market share and increase profitability through marketing
cutting costs and finding new markers
decline stage and its implications
managing products decline and reducing costs
negative cash flow
discount product , reduce price to clear inventory and find new uses
Extension strategies refer to the techniques used by businesses to extend the life of a product beyond its natural life cycle
These strategies are designed to boost sales and maintain profitability for a product that has reached the decline stage of its life cycle
businesses can appeal to customers
Product-related extension strategies
changing or modifying the product to make it more appealing to customers and extend its life cycle
product improvements - Samsung new features
line extensions - diet coke
repositioning market focus
Promotion-related extension strategies
changing the marketing and promotion of the product to extend its life cycle
changes to advertising
price promotions - cyber Monday
sales promotions
The Boston Matrix is a tool used by businesses to analyse their product portfolio and make strategic decisions about each product
cash cow
problem child/question mark
Cash cows
high market share, low market growth rate
generate high cash flow but low growth
Problem child/question mark
low market share, high market growth
negative cash flow, businesses usually invest in problem child products to increase their market share and turn them into stars
high market share, high market growth
positive cash flow, brand recognition
maximise potentials
low market share and market growth
little revenue , divest
Mass markets marketing strategies appropriation
focus on building brand awareness
simple messages on TV
create strong brand identity
Niche markets marketing strategies appropriation
targeting specific segment
building relationships
technical detailed info
b2b marketing
building relationships with other businesses and demonstrating how your product can help them be more successful
advertising campaigns which showcase value of product/service
technical messages focus on features and benefits, relevant to other businesses
B2c marketing
building brand loyalty and creating a positive customer experience
social media and emotional marketing to appeal customers
emotional and focus on lifestyle benefits of using product
Developing customer loyalty helps businesses to grow and be successful in the long term
Customer loyalty drives repeat purchases which helps the firm to reduce marketing costs when launching new products
Three commonly used methods of building customer loyalty include providing excellent customer service, offering loyalty cards, and offering saver schemes
Consumer behaviour - how can businesses develop customer loyalty?