refers to the differences between families in terms of organisations structure and roles within the family
what does murdock believe is the dominant family type is
murdock dosent believe in family diversity and that the nclear and unviversal
what does wilmott believe about family diversity
Wilmott believes that family diversity has been exaggerated but family structure has changed to a dispersed extended family
what does brannan believe about family diversity
believe that familystrucutres have changed and the new family type is beanpole family
what was Anderson theory of family diversity
family diversity has always been present not just in strucutre but in terms of power , roles and relationship
what is cultural diversity
cultural differences in both family structure and organisation. asian families tend to be extended and afro-carribean tend to be matrifocal in nature
what is life course analysis
family strucutres and organisation change as we go through our lives matching the time of life we are our needs at the time
what is organisatonal diversity
refers to how the family is structured in terms of its members and power structure. for example who has the most power. or the type of the family
what is generational diversity
this refers to the shared historical experiences that a group has which wil shape their family strucutre and organisational. for example the contraceptive pill
what is social class diversity
inequallities in lifestyle possibilies have increased since the 1980s. wealth and income have an obvious impact in terms of the terms of houses, room size, financial and holidays
how has changes in law caused family diversity
laws such as divorce reform act, legalisation of contraception and civil partnership act has increased family diversity
how has changes to social attitude helped family diversity
society has moved forward and family strucutres such as lone parent, same sex and stay at home fathers are more acceptable
how has changes in the role of women helped family divserity
the rise in femenism and growing equality has given women more freedom and independence from men which has changed the strucutres and roles within the family
how has secularisation change family structures
the decline in power of the church has less end the influence on the family. changes in churh teachigs have aso had an impact
how has globalisation change family structure
as technology has advanced we have seen the rise of the diperced extended family- a family which is close emotionally but not geograpically. immigration has also seen new types of family arise n the uk
what is the functionalist (parson) view on family diersity
functional fit theory- it is not diversity but the changing of the strucutres that meet the needs of society
what is the new right (murray) view on family diversity
doversity is the cause of family diversity. there is only one type of family patriarcal nuclear family with a clear cut division of labour between the husband and wife
what is postmodernist view of family diversity
diversity is increasing and a result of growing choice and globalisation in the modern world
what is feminist (stacey) view on family diveristy
growing diversity is a positive move for women, family diversity has allowed women to create family arrangments which meets their neds
what is the neo conventinal family (chester) view of diversity
statistics are miselading regarding the extent of family diversity . the neo conventinal family is becoming more common which is a nuclear family but with far more equality and syymetry