Post-Industrial Britain

Cards (15)

  • Industrial evolution - Changes to infrastructure, technology and sciences
  • Middle class - These were individuals that were not born into aristocracy but owned factories, were professionals or managers
  • Amateurs - Did not get paid to play and played for the 'love of the sport', upper class and middle class
  • Professionals - Paid to play and began to meet a contract for that sport, lower class
  • Law and order became more defined in sport and society. Blood sports and animal fighting stopped.
  • In the early 19th century women stayed home with kids, no education and the only educated to become teacher. In the late 19th century women were upskilled as there was a shortage of men due to the war. This lead to equal rights fighting and encouraged women to do more sport.
  • Transport was still walking and horse & cart but developed railways, bikes and roads. It was no longer local and spectators could watch. This affected horse racing as they could transfer horses.
  • In early 19th century lower class would still work 72 hours a week so little time and energy for sport. Factory owners provided Saturdays off for sport and had annual excursion to seaside so learnt to swimming. In late the 1960s the working week decreased to 40-45 hours and then the average became 37-40 hours.
  • Muscular Christianity - A belief that links sport with being a 'Christain gentlemen', is shown through a sense of Christain and pattiotic duty by playing sport with discipline & a sense of 'manliness'
  • Athleticism - A combination of physical endeavour, or trying hard & moral integrity or being honourable, truthful & showing good sportsmanship
  • Parents were concerned that younger boys used as servants were being bullied by older boys so schools had to take action or else they would move elsewhere (Fagging system). Thomas Arnold revised the fagging system and promoted more regulated sports therefore helped promote school sports.
  • Public school - A private fee-playing school, attended by the middle and upper class
  • 16-18 years old were prefects and under 16s were fags. The older boys used fags as servants and abused and bullies the youngers.
  • Thomas Arnold was head at rugby school and developed house system which later went on to influence competitive sport & the ethics and moral behind it.
  • Promotion of sport is helped by house system, facilities, coaching, codified rules (NGB's), spread to uni, spread to army & churches, factory teams.