social class

Cards (18)

  • sugarman and working class attitudes
    -interviewed 500 working class boys
    -researched attitudes related to school,work and life
    -educational achievement could be explained by attitude
    -4 types of attitudes of failure
    • fatalism:pupils accept their situation as failures, dont try
    • immediate gratification: working class more likely to leave school in hope of pleasure and wages
    • present time orientation: less likely to plan their life all about the here and now
    • collectivism: involves being loyal to their friends and seeking status from being class clown
  • critique of sugarman
    -gender blind
    -one school, cant generalise
    -interviews: impositional bias, interviewer bias, lie
    -assumes only working class underachieve
  • Lacey
    -differentiation: teacher categorising pupils according to how they view them-labelling
    -polarisation:pupils response to streaming
    -pro-school subculture: high stream students tend to place high value on school
    -anti-school subculture: low stream students lose self esteem and searches for alternative forms of status
  • Ball-abolish streaming
    -studied comprehensive school, Beachside
    -school in process of abolishing banding
    -no banding=no polarisation=no anti school subculture
    -differentiation continued leading to middle class recieving better results due to their label of co-operative and able
  • Woods-other responses to labelling+streaming
    -integration: teachers pet
    -ritualism: going through motions staying out of trouble
    -retreatism: daydreaming and mucking about
    -rebellion: outright rejection of everything school stands for
  • furlong
    many pupils are not committed permanently to one response, acting differently with different teachers
  • hyman-educational attitudes
    -working class place lower value on education
    -more concerned about instant gratification
    -reject the gamble of staying on education
  • critique of hyman
    -working class arent fatalistic but realistic, they want to go to college but cant afford to as will put too much financial pressure on parents
  • douglas- the home and school
    -parental interest is the main factor in educational attainment
    -middle class show more parental interest and fund the shadow education system: tutors,laptops and textbooks
    -working class dont do this because theyre materially and culturally deprived
  • critique of douglas
    -douglas measures parental interest by finance
    -middle class parents can afford to take time off-salary
  • Reay
    -interviewed 33 working and middle class mums
    -both mums care about their childs progress
    -middle class mums had the most culture capital, knowledge about the education system, more material capital etc
  • habitus
    Bourdieu's term to describe the self-perceptions and beliefs that develop as part of one's social identity and shape one's conceptions of the world and where one fits in it
  • symbolic capital
    status and recognition from the school and are deemed to have worth or value because of middle class habitus
  • symbollic violence
    -witholding of symbolic capital as lower class habitus is deemed as inferior
  • nike identities
    creating self worth by clothing brands, not conforming is social suicide
  • Bernstein-language codes

    -asked 2 boys one middle class, one working class to describe a series of photographs
    -working class answer was vague, lacked detail and clarity
    -middle class answer had more detail and was understandable
  • Bernstein 2 types of language code
    -restricted code, working class: shorthand style,slang,limited vocabulary
    -elaborated code,middle class: articulate and detailed,good vocabulary, kings standard english
  • critique of bernstein
    -labov:study in harlem found one code isnt superior to the other theyre just culturally different
    -rosen:bernstein makes vast generalisations and stereotypes of social classes, not all working class speak restricted not all middle class speak elaborated-adele