2. Cells

Cards (127)

  • What type of cells are more complex organisms?
    eukaryotic cells
  • Fill in the gap: "prokaryotic cells are often ____________ __________ ______________"
    single celled organisms
  • Where is a cell membrane found?
    found on the inside of cell walls
  • What is a cell membrane compromised of?
    lipids and proteins
  • What does the cell membrane do?
    regulates the movement of substances into and out of the cell
  • Why does the cell membrane have a receptor?
    to respond to chemicals
  • What is the nucleus surrounded by?
    a double membrane
  • What is the double membrane surrounding the nucleus called?
    Nuclear envelope
  • What does the nuclear envelope have?
    nuclear pores
  • What does the nucleus contain?
    Linear DNA in the form of chromatin
  • What is chromatin wrapped around? What is this called?
    A protein, called Histones
  • What is embedded in the nucleoplasm?
  • What does a nucleus do?
    Controls the cells activities
  • What does the DNA within the nucleus do?
    DNA codes for the formation of proteins via mRNA which is released through nuclear pores
  • Where are ribosomes made?
  • Describe the structure of a mitochondria?
    oval shape with a double membrane
  • What does the inner membrane do in mitochondria? what is the name of what is formed?
    folds to make structures called cristae
  • What is the fluid inside mitochondria called?
  • What does the matrix fluid inside the mitochondria contain?
    contains enzymes, needed for aerobic respiration
  • What does the mitochondria contain?
    its own DNA and ribosomes
  • What is the function of mitochondria?
    The site of aerobic respiration to release energy
  • What is golgi?
    stack of fluid filled, membrane bound sacs
  • What is seen at the edge of golgi?
  • What does golgi modify?
  • What does Golgi make?
  • Describe the structure of Vesicles
    small membrane bound, fluid filled, sac
  • What is vesicles produced from?
    Often produced from the golgi apparatus
  • What do vesicles do?
    store and transports proteins and lipids around and out of the cell
  • Describe the structure of Lysosomes.
    circular organelle with a single membrane
  • What is a lysosome?
    A vesicle which contain digestive enzymes
  • What is the name of the digestive enzymes lysosomes contain?
  • What is lysosomes used for?
    Is used to separate digestive enzymes from the other parts of the cell, used to digest foreign material and 'worn' organelles
  • What do centrioles do?
    creates microtubes during mitosis (prophase) to attach to centromeres on sister chromotids to separate them
  • What are spindle fibers made of?
  • Describe the size of ribosomes
  • Where are ribosomes found?
    often found free in the cytoplasm or attached to endoplasmic reticulum (rough)
  • What are ribosomes a compromise of?
    proteins and RNA
  • Do ribosomes have a membrane?
    no membrane
  • what are ribosomes the site of?
    protein synthesis
  • What is the rough endoplasmic reticulum?
    conjoined fluid filled membranes which are embedded with ribosomes