Fats (Finish)

Cards (60)

  • What is the AMDR of fat?
  • What to look for with fat calorie intake?
    minimize saturated and trans fatty acid intakes
  • Do low fat diets not provide any benefits?
    Yes, they may be deficient in EFAs
  • How many kcals does a fat have?
    09 kcal
  • Does fat provide major energy at rest?
  • What do lipids diffuse?
    fat soluable vitamins
  • What do lipids do for the cells?
    regulate cell function, give the membrane structure
  • What is the energy intake for sat. fats?
  • How much saturated fat should be in a diet?
  • How much should trans fats be limited?

    kept at an absolute minimum
  • recommendations to cut down fat intake with meats?
    Lean meat, fish, poultry
  • Alternative to margarine or lard?
    olive oil, other plant based oils
  • What contains good sources of proteins?

    fish and legumes
  • What is the recommended ratio of linoleic acid to alpha linolenic acid?
    5:1 - 10:1.
  • Linoleic acid AMDR?
  • Alpha linoleic acid AMDR?0.6-1.2% of total energy intake
  • What are good sources of Omega 3?

    Fish, walnuts, pumpkin and chia seeds, flaxseed
  • Where is cholesterol derived from?
    Animal based foods
  • What is cholesterol used to make?
    Vitamin d, bile, hormones
  • What are chylomicrons?
    lipids that are only present after a meal
  • VLDL lipoproteins (lipid)
  • LDL (lipid)
  • HDL (lipid)
  • What is the leading cause of death in the United States?
  • What does hypertension do?
    increase risk of heart disease or stroke
  • What does stroke do?

    increase risk for heart attack or stroke
  • Coronary Heart Disease?

    Risk for heart attack.
  • Risks for CVD?
    obesity, inactivity, smoking
  • Risks for CVD?
    type 2 diabetes, inflammation, abnormal blood lipids
  • What causes injuries to the artery wall?
    excessive glucose, hypertension, nicotine
  • Do dietary fats increase blood lipids?
  • What increase blood cholesterol?
    high saturated and trans fats
  • What to omega 3 fatty acids do?
    reduce inflammation and blood triglycerides
  • How to prevent CVD with diet?
    intake more fiber, with whole grains and fruits + veg
  • What vitamins are important to prevent CVD?
    Vitamin b6 and b12
    Vitamin folate
  • Does less salt prevent CVD?
  • How many drinks are reccomended per day for guys n gals?

    2 - men
    1 -women
  • Is limiting blood glucose important in preventing CVD?
  • Can you reduce CVD with plant sterol?
  • How often is red meat eaten in a mediterranina diet?
    once a month