Land granted by the king to nobles in return for taxes, loyalty and military support
Noble's house
Stone house/castle, at least 2 stories
Many rooms and elaborate furniture, as well as tapestries
Food nobles consume
Peasant's house
Wooden huts
Clay walls
Dirt floors
Own veg. Garden
Thatched roof
What peasants do
Work from 4am to 7pm, rest on Sundays
Follow a three field system
Eat brown bread, salmon, pottage, ale
90% of Medieval England was made of peasants
Women were depicted to embroider and weave as a daily activity, preventing researchers from finding more about other daily tasks
Motte and Bailey castle
Wooden fortress
Early Stone Castle
Stone keep
Curtain walls
Round turrets/towers
Great hall
Concentric Castle
Inner Bailey
Outer Bailey
Two curtain walls with the centre wall higher
Gatehouse and keep have been refined
What knights do
Follow code of chivalry
Serve as subtenants in the feudal system
Provide military support to the noble family
Participate in tournaments
Battle of Hastings, William the Conqueror defeats King Harold
1066 AD
A social system that operates on a basis of obligations and rights concerning the land given to the vassal, introduced in England by William the Conqueror
Feudalism originated in response to the aggression of barbarian tribes as when the roman empire fell