Archimedes of Syracuse - used mirrors to reflect light and set fire to ships
Pythagoras of Samos - thought vision was because light rays emitted from peoples eyes (although this is incorrect)
Euclid of Alexandria - created laws of reflection, thought that light emitts from persons eyes (incorrect)
Claudius Ptolemy - discovered that light refracts
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - father of microbiology, discovered bacteria and protozoa, made simple microscopes
Isaac Newton -
Discovered gravity - apple falling from a tree
Used prisms to separate colours of light
OleRomer &
Albert A.Michelson
determined speed of light
Alessandro della Spina -
Created first pair of eyeglasses - magnifying qualities
Two convex lenses
Sacharias Jansen - invented the microscope
hans lippershey - magnification and early telescopes
Galileo Galilei - invention of the telescope (refracting)
Ignazio Porro - using porro prisim to invert an image
Edward Hubble - Made telescope and discovered major galaxies and moons
Mirror based optical system collects light and focuses it on the universe
Al-Haytham - figuired out how vision worked, discovered how reflection worked
James Webb - Served nasa, james webb telescope, uses infrared light, High resolution and high sensitivity allow it to view objects too old distant or faint