The Victorian era in the United Kingdom lasted from 1819 to 1901 during Queen Victoria's reign
Characteristics of the Victorian era include strong moral and religious beliefs, proper social conventions, and optimism
The term "Victorian" emerged in the 1850s to represent a new awareness of the industrial era spirit, culture, and moral standards
Augustus Pugin, an English architect that designed the ornamental details of the british house of parliament, played a significant role in fostering a fondness for the Gothic style among the Victorians
Owen Jones, an English designer, introduced Moorish ornament to Western design and was known for his influential book "The Grammar of Ornament" published in 1856
The Great Exhibition at the Crystal Palace in 1851 showcased the progress of the Industrial Revolution and was a catalyst for future developments
Chromolithography, introduced by William Sharp in America in 1840, revolutionized color printing in the 19th and early 20th centuries
Thomas Nast, considered the father of the American cartoon, had a significant impact on American public life during the 19th century
Howard Pyle, an illustrator, marked the Golden Age of American illustration from the 1890s to the 1940s
Volney Palmer opened the firstadvertisingagency in philadelphia, pioneering the concept of selling advertisingspace for publishers
The nickel novels or story papers, launched by the Pictorial Printing Company of Chicago, featured action-filled covers illustratingtales of the Civil War and the western frontier
The Victorian era's popular graphics were influenced by prevalent attitudes and sensibilities of the time, and many design conventions persisted into the early 20th century
"The Grammar of Ornament" is a catalogue of design that became the bible of ornament for 19th century designers.
Chromolithography was the innovation of the industrial revolution that showcased unlimited flood of colorful printed images.
Richard Mard Hoe, American inventor and mechanical genius perfected the rotory lithographic press.
John Bufford, became the first American Lithographer that experimented with chromolithography independently.
Louis Prang, formed a chromolithography firm.
Scrap, album cards by Louis prang that became an expression of nostalgia, love, and traditional values.
in 1850, Harper and Brothers opened era of pictorial magazine.
Harper's magazine, began publication with serialized English fiction. It was the finest design in book publication to date.
Frank Reade Jr, astounding inventions that showed electric horses, helicopters, and airships accurately forcast future technologies.