
Cards (194)

  • study of fungi
  • total number of species in mycology
  • No. of medically important fungi
    less than 400
  • only less 50 species are causing 90% of human and animal infection
  • 3 Beneficial Activities of Fungi
    Food & Production, Industrial Production, Decomposition
  • Fungi reside exogenously
  • Fungal pathogen that is capable of destroying cops
  • 6 Harmful Activities of Fungi
    1.Destruction of Materials
    2. Spoilage of storage foods
    3. Destruction of crops
    4. Fungal Infection
    5. Allergies
    6. Mycotoxicosis
  • Mycotoxicosis means

    capable of prodcuing toxins
  • Example of Mycotoxicosis
    Aflatoxin by Aspergillus spp
  • Natural Habitat of fungi
  • Fungi are (eukaryotic/ prokaryotic) organisms

  • Oxygen requirements of fungi
    Obligate or Facultative
  • Organelle that secrete enzymes that are capable of degrading organic substrates into soluble materials
    Secretory Apparatus
  • Secretory Apparatus secrete enzymes that ae capable of degrading organic substrates into soluble materials
  • Secretory Apparatus secrete enzymes that ae capable of degrading organic substrates into soluble materials that are either: 

    Passively Absorbed or Actively Transported
  • Cell wall is composed of _____ layers
  • Cell wall is made up of carbohydrates such as (3)

    polysaccharides (chitin), glycoproteins, and lipids
  • Organelle that determines and maintain the shape of the fungus
    Cell wall
  • Cell wall has carbohydrate layers that is capable of :
    1. Activate the complement cascade
    2. Provoke an inflammatory reaction
    3. Poorly degraded by the host
    4. Detected with special stain
    5. Releasing antigens that elicits cellular immune responses and diagnostic antibodies
  • means capable of producing enzymes through secretory apparatuses
  • means incapable of making their own food
  • Majority of fungal elements are (airborne/not airborne) as they are (bigger/ smaller) than bacteria
    not airborne, bigger
  • Reproduction of fungi
    sexual and assexual
  • Aspergillus spp = Opportunistic fungi
    Blastomyces spp = Dimorphic fungi
    Coccidioides spp = Dimorphic fungi
    Cryptococcus neoformans complex = encapsulated fungi
    Dematiaceous fungi = dimorphic systemic fungi
    Histoplasma capsulatum = Dimorphic systemic fungi
    Paracoccidioides brasiliensis = dimorphic systemic fungi
    Sporothrix schenckii spp. = Subcutaneous fungi
  • Aspergillus spp = Opportunistic fungi
    Blastomyces spp = Dimorphic fungi
    Coccidioides spp = Dimorphic fungi
    Cryptococcus neoformans complex = encapsulated fungi
    Dematiaceous fungi = dimorphic systemic fungi
    Histoplasma capsulatum = Dimorphic systemic fungi
    Paracoccidioides brasiliensis = dimorphic systemic fungi
    Sporothrix schenckii spp. = Subcutaneous fungi
  • Aspergillus spp Putative Virulence Factor (7)
    Elastase-serine protease
    o Proteases
    o Toxins (gliotoxin, fumagillin, helvolic acid)
    o Other
    Aspartic acid proteinase
    Lysine biosynthesis
    p-aminobenzoic acid synthesis
  • Putative Virulence Factor (2) of Blastomyces spp
    Cell wall alpha-1,3-glucan
    BAD-1 = an adhesion and immune modulator
  • Putative Virulence Factor (1) of Coccidioides spp
    Extracellular proteinases
  • Virulence Factor (3) Cryptococcus neoformans complex
    Phenoloxidase melanin synthesis
    Varietal differences
  • Virulence Factor (1) of Dematiaceous fungi
    Phenoloxidase melanin synthesis
  • Virulence Factor (4) of Histoplasma
    • Cell wall alpha-1,3-glucan
    Intracellular growth
    CBP, binds calcium
  • Virulence Factor (4) of Paracoccidioides
    Estrogen-binding proteins
    Cell wall components
  • Virulence Factor (2) of Sporothrix schenckii spp.
    Extracellular enzymes
    • Soft, opaque, and cream-colored
    • Growth as 37 °C
    Single cells (unicellular)
    o 3um-15um
    o Spherical to ellipsoid in shape and varying in diameter from
  • ___ is a chain of elongated yeast cells
  • MOLD
    • Production of multicellular filamentous colonies
    o HyphaeMycelium
    2um to 10um (size) branching cylindric tubules
    • Room temperature (21-25°C)
  • These two are specific structures that are
    commonly found in molds / fungi
    o Hyphae
    o Spores (round)
  • Term for fungus that only exists in one form
  • Term for when fungi exist either as yeast or mold