Epithelial Tissue

Cards (36)

  • Tissues
    group of similar cells specialized in acommon direction to perform a common function
  • 3 Primitive Germ Layers where tissue is derived from
    - ectoderm
    - mesoderm
    - endoderm
  • 4 Primary Tissues
    - epithelial
    - connective
    - muscle
    - nervous
  • Epithelial Tissue
    - made up of polyhedral cells compact, closely arranged and strongly attached to each other that they have scanty intercellular substances
    - attached to extracellular matrix
    - avascular or no blood vessels found among the cells
    - covers the body surfaces and those found assheets lining the organ cavities
  • Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue
    - usually wet or moist (except epidermis of skin)
    - some are arranged in the form of masses (adrenal gland , parathyroid gland)
    - cells are replaced through mitosis
  • Functions of Epithelial Tissue
    - Excretion
    - Protection
    - Absorption
    - Secretion
    - Sensory reception
    - Lubrication
    - Reproduction
  • Structures Associated with Epithelial Tissues
    - basement membrane/ basal lamina
    - tunica propria/lamina propria
  • Basement Membrane
    - where all epithelial tissues are attached
    - provides anchorage for the cells
    - Barrier limiting or regulating exchanges of macromolecules b/w CT and other tissues
  • Components contribute to image of Basement Membrane
    - basal lamina
    - reticular fibers
    - ground substances
  • Tunica Propria
    - support to the epithelium and vascularized CT bed providing nourishment for epithelial tissue cells
    - all epithelia has tunica propria
  • Specialization of Epithelial Tissues
    1. tendency to maintain excessive contact w/ one another
    - polarity
    - cell axis
    - terminal web
    2. cell attachment and communication
    - junctional complex
  • Polarity
    Molecules having uneven distribution of charges
  • Cell Axis
    - imaginary line passing through the centrosome and center of the nucleus
    - Perpendicular to basal lamina
  • Terminal Web
    - made of feltwork of fine filaments beneath the surface
    - provide mechanical support for ciliated or striated borders
  • Tight Junction (zonula occludens)

    - most apical
    - encircle the cell
    - Adjoining cell converge and fused to close intercellular space
    - Transporting epithelium as in that of gallbladder
    - Mechanical role in maintenance of structural integrity of cells
    - Serve as tight seal preventing flow of materials b/w epithelial cells
    - Responsible for structure called- terminal bar
  • Adherent Junction
    - where adjacent cells are firmly held together
    - Found b/w epithelial cells, fibroblast, smooth muscle cells and intercalated disc of cardiac muscles
    - Also responsible for terminal bar
  • Desmosome
    - Disk-like structure at the surface of 1 cell that ismatch with identical structure at surface ofadjacent cell
    - Only function is as special adhesion of cells
  • Hemidesmosome
    - contact b/w certain epithelial cell and basal lamina
  • Gap Junction (nexus)

    - Can be mistaken for zonula occludens but opposing membranes are not fused
    - Can occur almost anywhere along lateral membranes of most epithelial cells (absent only in skeletal muscle and blood cells)
    - Well developed in tissues where cells are electrically coupled (cardiac and smooth muscles)
    - Permit transfer of small molecules (ions. Sugar, amino acids and some hormones)
  • Specialized Cell Surfaces
    - microvilli
    - stereocilia
    - cilia
  • Microvilli
    - Prominent in cells that function in absorption
    - Brush border serve as adaptation to enhance the surface area of membrane exposed to substances to be absorbed
  • Stereocilia
    - Longer branched microvilli
    - Function is not well established but epitheliumis absorptive
  • Cilia
    - Numerous motile processes larger than microvilli
    - Arranged in parallel rows projecting from surfaces of some epithelial cells
    - Surfaces serve to propel fluid or coating of mucus towards the exterior
  • Flagella
    - Elongated motile structure on surface of epithelial cells, longer than cilia
    - Differ with cilia in movements and number of cells
    - Largest flagella is the mammalian spermatozoa
    - Found in the epithelia of nephrons, testes and ducts of glands
  • Simple Squamous Epithelium
    - filtration and diffusion
    - endothelium, mesothelium
  • Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
    - tubules of kidney
    - bronchioles
    - thyroid glands
  • Simple Columnar Epithelium
    non ciliated
    - pyloric end of stomach
    - gallbladder
    - intestines
    - rectum

    - fallopian tubes
    - uterine tubes
  • Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
    non ciliated
    - male urethra
    - larynx
    - trachea
    - bronchi
    - oviducts
  • Stratified Squamous Epithelium
    - epidermis of skin
    non keratinized
    - vagina
    - esophagus
    - mouth
    - anus
  • Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
    found in sweat glands
  • Stratified Columnar Epithelium
    found in conjunctiva of eye
  • Transitional Epithelium
    - found in urinary tract
    - distention and prevention of caustic effects of urine
  • Glandular Epithelium
    - Formed by cells specialized to produce a fluid secretion different in composition from blood or intercellular fluid
  • Serous Glandular Epithelium
    - pancreas
    - parotid glands
  • Mucous Glandular Epithelium
    found in sublingual glands
  • Mixed Glandular Epithelium
    found in submaxillary glands