The equation v = ir is important in the electricity topic
v = ir stands for potential difference or voltage equals current times resistance
In a circuit with a current of 4 amps and a resistance of 2 ohms, the voltage of the cell must be 8 volts (4 x 2)
If a 24 volt battery produces a current of 8 amps, the resistance can be found using r = v / i, giving 3 ohms (24 / 8)
Relationship between voltage, current, and resistance:
As long as resistance is constant, increasing voltage will increase current proportionally, and vice versa
In circuits with only wires or resistors, the resistance stays constant, resulting in straight lines on current versus potential difference graphs
Different resistors will result in different slopes on the graph, with bigger resistors having less steep lines and smaller resistors having steeper lines
Temperature affects resistance, with higher temperatures increasing resistance
Contains a thin metal filament that emits light when heated by current flow
Resistance increases as the wire heats up, resulting in a less steep curve on the graph
Allow current to flow in one direction only
Show current only when potential difference is positive
Have high resistance in the reverse direction to prevent current flow
Charge is a measure of the total current that flowed within a certain period of time
In the water analogy, current is the rate at which water is flowing through the river, while charge is the total amount of water that's flowed down the hill within a certain period of time
Charge is represented by the letter q and is measured in coulombs (C)
The equation to find charge is: charge = current (measured in amps) x time (measured in seconds)
Example: A kettle draws a current of 12 amps and takes 50 seconds to boil. The total charge passed through the wire is 600 coulombs (12 x 50)
Example: A phone charger transfers a total charge of 43.2kilo coulombs over a period of two hours. The current that flowed through the wire is 6 amps (43,200 / 7,200)
In a series circuit, components are all connected in a single loop
If any component is disconnected or broken, the whole circuit will stop working
The potential difference of the cell or battery is shared across all components in a series circuit
The total voltage in a series circuit is equal to the sum of the voltages across all individual components
Current is the same everywhere in a series circuit
We measure current using an ammeter placed in series within the main loop
The total resistance in a series circuit is the sum of the individual resistances of each component
To calculate current in a series circuit, divide the total potential difference by the total resistance
Ammeters generally have tiny resistances that can be ignored in calculations
To calculate the voltage across a single component in a series circuit, use Ohm's Law: V = I * R
Components with greater resistance will have a higher share of the voltage in a series circuit
Parallel circuits have more than one loop, with each loop containing a single component
Parallel circuits are more useful than series circuits
If a component breaks in a parallel circuit, the overall circuit remains intact
All components in truly parallel circuits get their full source potential difference
Current is shared between all loops in a parallel circuit
If a circuit with two loops has a total of 4 amps flowing through it, the current can be split unevenly or equally between the loops
The total current in a parallel circuit is the sum of the currents in each loop
The way current splits depends on the resistance of individual components, with loops of greater resistance taking a lower share of the current
The more components added in parallel, the lower the total resistance of the circuit becomes
Adding more loops in paralleldecreases the overall resistance, even if those loops contain high resistance components
To draw circuit diagrams, we need to know the different components and their symbols
To provide electric power to a circuit, we need either a cell or a battery
To control the flow of electricity, we can add a switch that can be closed to allow electricity to flow or open to turn off the circuit