
Cards (11)

    • Energy that is collectable from resources that will never run out or which will be naturally replaced within a human lifetime
    • Renewable energy isn't always as good as it seems for environment as it can damage habitats or cause visual pollution to those around.
  • SOLAR ENERGY- energy from sun
    The earth gets heat and light energy from the sun all the time
    You can change it into electrical energy to power your home
  • WIND ENERGY-energy from the wind
    Using wind turbines, we can turn the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy.
    Which can power our homes
  • HYDROELECTRIC ENERGY-energy from rivers
    Is a power station water behind a dam in a reservoir
    This water has gravitational potential energy
  • TIDAL ENERGY-energy from sea tides
    Sea levels go up and down due to sea tide
    When the tide is high the water has lots of gravitational potential energy to turn into electrical to power homes
  • WAVE ENERGY- energy from sea waves
    The sea waves have kinetic energy using machines
    This energy can be turned into electrical to power homes
  • BIOMASS ENERGY- energy from plants and trees
    The chemical energy stored in things that were once alive can be turned to heat energy burning them or electrical for powering homes
  • GEOTHERMAL ENERGY-energy from the earth
    Deep underground the earths rocks are naturally very hot we can use their heat energy and turn into electrical energy for homes
    • Energy that has a finite supply means it will run out at some time
    • Fossil fuels like oil, natural gas and coal are considered non renewable and can not be replaced within a human lifetime
    • Produced by either uranium or plutonium ores as a fuel are not infinite and will run out
    • They are a non-renewable source
  • NUCLEAR ENERGY- How it works
    1. The reactor generates heat and a heat exchanger is used to transfer heat energy from reactor to the water
    2. The water turns into steam and drives the turbines which turn electivity generators