Wind is best described as "a fickle servant" and its characteristics are important in determining the economic feasibility of a wind turbine at a given site
Performance Coefficient (Cp) for different types of wind turbines: Horizontal Axis - Two-bladed 0.47, Farm 0.30, Modern Propeller 0.47, Dutch Four Arm type 0.17; Vertical Axis - Darrieus 0.35, Savonius 0.23
Cut-In Wind Speed is the speed required to start the rotor, Cut-Out wind speed is the speed required to stop the rotor, and Rated speed is the speed recommended by the manufacturer to optimally operate the wind machine
Rayleigh wind-speed distribution provides a simple approximation of wind-speed characteristics and predicts wind characteristics with less than a 10% error
Before using reported wind-speed data for predicting energy capture, a determination of how the data were collected is needed along with the height of the anemometer