General Biology MCQ

Cards (66)

  • Organisms with colonial, unicellular, as well as multicellular organization include:
  • The study of interactions within a biological system to understand its behavior is:
  • Conditions that must be met by an entity discovered on Mars to confirm the existence of life:
  • Characteristics of life that help explain why a cat runs away when chased by a dog:
  • Characteristics not common among all living organisms:
  • The ratio of adenine (A) to thymine (T) and guanine (G) to cytosine (C) in DNA discovered by Erwin Chargaff:
  • Groups of different species residing in a given area are referred to as:
  • According to Charles Darwin, populations of organisms become better adapted to their environment through:
  • Organisms with the best environmental adaptations have:
  • The scientific name for Nile tilapia, where Oreochromis refers to the _____ and niloticus refers to the ____:
  • Conditions for an entity to confirm the existence of life on Mars:
  • Characteristics of halophiles, extremophilic microorganisms:
  • Hydrophilic molecule:
  • Correct physiological function(s) of water in the body:
  • Antacids like sodium bicarbonate give relief from Gastroesophageal reflux disease by:
  • Function of maintaining the slightly acidic pH of the vagina in the human body:
  • Property of carbon that makes it an excellent building block of life:
  • Description of an organic molecule:
  • Mismatched term:
  • Proteins mainly function as:
  • Characteristics of proteins:
  • Incorrect statement about proteins:
  • Features shared by prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells:
  • Cell containing a nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts is likely a:
  • Organelle responsible for the final processing and secretion of extracellular proteins:
  • Organelle abundant in liver cells for detoxifying lipid-soluble drugs and harmful metabolites:
  • Transporting channel of the cell:
  • Number of mitochondria in a cell depends on:
  • Organelles and their functions:
  • Mitochondria - power plant of the cell
  • Nucleus is the control center of the cell
  • Chloroplast is the kitchen of the cell
  • Mitochondrion is the power plant of the cell
  • Golgi body is the storage house of the cell
  • Cell Theory states that the mitochondria and chloroplasts found in modern eukaryotic cells were once two distinct prokaryotic microbes
  • Oxygen gas, carbon dioxide, water, and glucose are substances
  • Osmosis, diffusion, endocytosis, and facilitated diffusion are processes
  • Hypotonic solutions have higher water concentration
  • Heat is immediately lost to the environment
  • It stores energy which can be utilized to regulate body temperature