Recombinant DNA

Cards (10)

  • Recombinant DNA is a technology of combining DNA molecules from two species inserted into a host organism to produce new genetic combinations.
  • The first step in RDNA is the isolation of DNA. It is the process of extracting DNA from different sources, such as cells, tissues, or organisms.
  • (2) In RDNA, restriction enzymes cut the DNA at specific sites. It acts like molecular scissors, creating fragments with sticky ends.
  • (3) Choose a vector (plasmid or viral DNA) to carry the target gene. Isolate and cut the vector DNA.
  • (4) Ligation is the process where the cut target DNA and vector DNA (DNA ligase) are combined.
  • (5) Transformation is the insertion of the recombinant DNA into host cells. The host cells then incorporate the foreign DNA into their genomes.
  • Golden Rice is an example of GMO where the rice has been modified to produce beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A.
  • Plasmid is a circular DNA from bacteria that can hold a foreign gene.
  • A protein of interest is a protein that can be used to treat a disease.
  • E. coli is often used in rDNA technology to make insulin.