3rd Monthly Exam

Cards (19)

  • right after the big bang protons and neutrons combined together and form light elements hydrogen helium in the process of big bang nucleosynthesis other light elements such as lithium and beryllium are also formed during this process
  • stellar nucleosynthesis the word seller main store information of elements in the center of the star is called
  • proton proton chain reaction means sequence star the process by which average star gets their energy and convert hydrogen into helium it starts with proton and neutron fused together the form deuteron when one proton collides with neutron helium 3 is formed 2 helium 3 collided will form helium 4
  • cno carbon nitrogen oxygen carbon 12 used with proton and form nitrogen 13 nitrogen 13 undergoes beta decay to form carbon 13 carbon 13 captures proton h and nitrogen 14 is formed nitrogen 14 captures proton and oxygen 15 is produced oxygen 15 undergoes beta decay and produces nitrogen 15 1915 fused with proton gives of helium and ends up with carbon 12 the process repeats again
  • tri alpha process happens in red giant star once they leave the stage of main sequence star this is now three helium for are converted into carbon
  • all atoms are made up of subatomic particles protons electrons neutrons
  • the identity of an element depends on how many protons it has
  • the light elements hydrogen helium lithium beryllium where the first to form
  • nucleosynthesis combines nucleons to form new elements
  • big bang is an expansion
  • as the universe expands it cools
  • the more energetic the particles in an object are the higher the temperature of the object will be
  • mass can be converted into energy
  • supernova the explosion of star
  • hydrogen and helium these gases are the major components of a main sequence star
  • nebula formed from gas and dust particles which are pulled together by gravity and no nuclear fission has happened yet
  • triple alpha process refers to the process at which three helium nuclei are converted into carbon
  • rapid process neutron capture process that take place in supernova and neutron star merges
  • a star accumulates more mass and continues to grow into a red supergiant alpha particle fusion happens to at its core and creates more heavy elements until elements called iron is formed the process is known as the alpha ladder