Title of the Act: "New Electrical Engineering Law"
Practice of electrical engineering includes:
Consultation, investigation, valuation, and management of services requiring electrical engineering knowledge
Design and preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates for electric power systems, power plants, power distribution systems, transmission lines, and network protection
Supervision of erection, installation, testing, and commissioning of power plants, substations, transmission lines, industrial plants, and others
Supervision of operation and maintenance of electrical equipment in power plants, industrial plants, watercrafts, electric locomotives, and others
Supervision of the manufacture and repair of electrical equipment including switchboards, transformers, generators, motors, apparatus, and others
Teaching of electrical engineering professional subjects
Taking charge of the sale and distribution of electrical equipment and systems requiring engineering calculations or applications of engineering data
Electric supply equipment refers to any equipment that produces, modifies, regulates, or controls the supply of electric energy
Electric plant is an establishment or a system for the production and modification of electric energy
Power plant design involves planning, specifying, and coordinating layouting of electrical equipment in power plants, substations, and similar facilities
Substation is any building, room, or separate place that houses or encloses electric supply equipment connected to transmission or distribution lines and is accessible only to properly qualified persons
Voltage is the highest effective potential difference between any two conductors of the circuit concerned expressed in volts
Kva refers to the installed capacity of an alternating current (A.C.) electric plant or supply equipment, or the connected load of industrial plants, commercial establishments, institutional buildings expressed in kilovolt-amperes
Kw refers to the installed capacity of a direct current (D.C) electric plant on board watercraft expressed in kilowatts
Utilization equipment includes energy-consuming equipment like motors, heaters, furnaces, light sources, and other devices that utilize electric energy for any purpose
Industrial plant or factory refers to manufacturing assembly plants where electrical machinery and equipment are installed
Commercial establishments are used for business or profit and include department stores, supermarkets, shopping malls, office buildings, hotels, theaters, stadiums, condominiums, convention centers, restaurants, and similar establishments
Institutional buildings include school buildings, hospitals, museums, government buildings, and similar structures
Watercraft refers to any waterborne unit designed and built to have an electric plant
Electric locomotive is the power plant mounted on wheels used in the railroad transportation industry
The Board of Electrical Engineering is composed of a chairman and two members appointed by the President of the Philippines from recommendees of the Commissioner of the Professional Regulations Commission
Powers and duties of the Board include:
Supervising and regulating the practice of electrical engineering in the Philippines
Determining and evaluating the qualifications of applicants for registration and licensure examinations
Preparing examination questions, prescribing syllabi, formulating or adopting test questions, conducting examinations, and submitting results to the Professional Regulations Commission
Issuing certificates of registration and professional licenses
Performing other necessary functions to implement the Act
Looking into conditions affecting the practice of the electrical engineering profession and enforcing compliance with the Act
Promulgating rules and regulations, including a code of ethics, to carry out the provisions of the Act
Investigating violations and issuing subpoenas for investigations
Rendering decisions on cases, including suspension, revocation of certificates, and delisting from the roll
Administering oaths and submitting annual reports to the Commission
Prosecuting violators of the Act and rules and regulations
Must have practiced electrical engineering for at least ten years prior to appointment
Must not be connected with institutions conferring degrees in electrical engineering or review centers at the time of appointment
Qualifications of Board Members:
Must be a natural born Filipino citizen and a resident of the Philippines for at least five consecutive years
Must be at least thirty-five years of age with proven integrity and high moral values
Must not have a final conviction for an offense involving moral turpitude
Must hold a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) from a recognized and accredited institution
Must be a professional electrical engineer with a valid certificate of registration and license
Term of Office for Board Members:
Hold office for three years from the date of appointment or until successors are appointed and qualified
May be reappointed for a second term
Must take an oath of office before assuming duties
Board members may be reappointed for a second term
Vacancies in the Board shall be filled by the President from the list of recommendees by the Commissioner for the unexpired term only
Board members may be removed by the President upon the recommendation of the Commissioner for neglect of duty, incompetence, malpractice, commission or tolerance of irregularities in the examinations, or for unprofessional, unethical, or dishonorable conduct
The chairman and members of the Board shall receive a monthly compensation of no less than twelve thousand pesos (P12,000.00)
The Commissioner shall be the executive officer of the Board and shall conduct the examination given by the Board
All applicants for registration for the practice of electrical engineering in the Philippines shall be required to pass a technical examination
A valid certificate of registration and a valid professional license from the Commission are required before any person is allowed to practice electrical engineering in the Philippines
Applicants for oral examinations for professional electrical engineer and written examinations for registered electrical engineer and registered master electrician shall be subject to payment of fees prescribed by the Commission
Registration fees, license fees, and fines for professional electrical engineer and registered master electrician applicants shall be subject to the payment of amounts prescribed by the Board and approved by the Commission
Examination and registration shall not be required of foreign electrical engineers under certain conditions
No registration with the Board shall be required for certain individuals, such as engineering students, apprentices, and persons in charge of private electric generating sets
Examinations for the practice of electrical engineering in the Philippines should be given twice a year in the City of Manila and other places
Qualifications for registration as a professional electrical engineer include being a citizen of the Philippines, of good reputation, holder of a BSEE degree, and a registered electrical engineer with at least four years of active practice
Qualifications for applicants for registered electrical engineer examination include being a citizen of the Philippines, at least twenty-one years of age, of good reputation, and holder of a BSEE degree
Qualifications for applicants for registered master electrician examination include being a citizen of the Philippines, at least eighteen years of age, of good reputation, and having specific technical backgrounds
As a prerequisite for registration as professional electrical engineer, registered electrical engineer, and registered master electrician, applicants shall comply with certain requirements
For registration as a professional electrical engineer, an oral examination or interview shall be conducted on certified experience record, technical paper, and certifications signed by professional electrical engineers