science 3

Cards (120)

  • endocrine system - secretes chemicals act as as messenger all over the body
  • hormones - substances that act on a targer tissue to produce a specific response
  • endocrine - releases hormones directly into the bloodstream
  • exocrine - releases their secretions through ducts or opening to a body surfaces
  • pituitary gland - pea sized endocrine gland situated at the base of our brain "master gland"
  • pineal gland - small endocrine gland inside the brain
  • melatonin - a hormone secreted by the enigmatic pineal gland in response to darkness
  • thyroid gland - largest endocrine gland found in the neck
  • thyroxin -  main hormone secreted into the bloodstream by the thyroid gland. It plays vital roles in metabolism, heart and muscle function, brain development, and maintenance of bones.
  • calcitonin -  a hormone that your thyroid gland makes and releases to help regulate calcium levels in your blood by decreasing it. increases the rate of calcium deposition in the bone
  • parathyroid gland - four small glands at the back of thyroid gland "parathyroids"
  • parathormones - regulates calcium in the bloodstream.
  • thymus gland - In the chest, between the lungs and behind the breastbone
  • Thymosin - stimulates T-cell production which is part of immune system
  • pancreas - located between the spleen and the small intestine
  • glucagon - increases glucose level in blood
  • insulin - decreases glucose level in blood
  • adrenal glands - on top of kidneys
  • adrenal medulla - inner part of adrenal gland
  • adrenal cortex - outer part of adrenal gland
  • (PART OF ADRENAL MEDULLA) epinephrine -  a neurotransmitter and a hormone. It plays an important role in your body's “fight-or-flight” response. has slightly more of an effect on your heart
  • (PART OF ADRENAL MEDULLA) norepinephrine - increase and maintain blood pressure in limited, short-term serious health situations.  used as a medication to treat many life-threatening conditions. more of an effect on your blood vessels
  • testis - regulates the maturation of male reproductive organs
  • testosterone - one of the two egg-shaped glands inside the scrotum
  • (PART OF ADRENAL CORTED ) cortisol - stress hormone
  • (PART OF ADRENAL CORTEX) aldosterone - regulates salt and water in the body
  • (PART OF ADRENAL CORTEX) androgens - male sex hormone. a substance capable of developing and maintaining masculine characteristics in reproductive tissues
  • androgen - promotes the development of male secondary sex characteristics
  • ovary - small oval shaped gland located on either side of the uterus
  • progesterone - prepares the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized egg
  • estrogen - promotes the development of female secondary sex characteristics
  • central nervous system - process area of the nervous system
  • reproduction
  • scrotum - loose pouch like sac of skin that hangs behind and below the penis, acts as tempeture regulation for the testes
  • testes - "male gonads" "testicles" produces testosterone and sperm cells
  • epididymis - nourish the sperm to maturnity
  • vas deferens - transports mature sperm to the urethra
  • seminal vesicle - sac like pouches that attach to the vas deferens. produces a sugar-rich fluid ( fructose ) that provides sperm with a source of energy to help them move
  • prostate gland - a walnut-sized structure that is located below the urinary bladder. contributes additional fluid to the ejaculate
  • urethra - tube which carries the urine from the bladder from the bladder. carries sperm out of the body