What are the alternative explanations to the medical model for mental illness
Behaviourist for phobias
cognitive for depression
psychodynamic for depression
How is a phobia developed
Classical conditioning
What is classical conditioning
Learning by association. When two stimuli are shown together and one creates a reaction, when the one that doesn’t cause a reaction is shown there will be a reaction
How is a phobia maintained
Operant conditioning
What is operant conditioning
When the stimuli is avoided they will feel a sense of pleasure so this is therefore rewarding
they will receive attention for the phobia and therefore maintain it
What is research evidence for behaviourist theory
feld studied 47 children aged 7-9. They were shown 3 unfamiliar animals along with a happy or sad face. When the animals were shown without a face how the children felt matched with the face
What is the cognitive explanation for depression
Depression is characterised by negative thoughts. beckcognitive triad suggests neg views on world leads to neg views on future and then neg views on themselves. This comes from negative schemas
What is the research evidence for cog for depression
33 depressed undergrad females were more likely to show distortion in thinking than 34 non depressed females after receiving feedback on task
What is the psychodynamic explanation for depression
Depression closely resembles grief. loss can be real or symbolic and response to the loss can be pathological.
depression can be caused by anger turned inward when anger is repressed and they experience self hatred.
What is the attachment theory
If a young child has a bond with mother, a vulnerability is created when the mother is lost making them more likely to find it hard to deal with losses.
What Is research evidence for psychodynamic theory
Brianna conducted a longitudinal piece of research on 164 male and females from childhood to 26. she found the strongest predictor adult depression is a loss at the ages 5-8.
what did Szasz originally do
He wrote an article in 1960 detailing the myth of mental illness.
What did szasz aim to do
Reject the image that patients are helpless victims of factors they can’t control. Also aimed to stop coercive treatments which remove freedom
What were szasz key criticisms
Mental illness is a myth not a disease that can be scientifically proven. excuse for dealing with difficult behaviour
What does szasz believe should happen
Get to know the individual in detail to know the behaviour and give them control of their life
What does szasz say mental illness is
He says it’s the way people have decided to cope with the world around them
What does szasz claim treatment should be
No diagnostic label and treated ethically . Talking therapies should be used
What is a non biological treatment
Systematicdesensitisation for phobias. derives from classical conditioning. fear is replaced with relaxation. 4 step process
What are the four steps of systematic desensitation
Functional analysis- a discussion about what they are scared of and why
anxiety hierarchy - list of fear inducing situations