6.6C Radical technologies

Cards (4)

  • Carbon Capture and Storage
    • It is accepted that coal will always be part of the global energy mix due to its abundance and its cheap cost
    • Carbon capture and storage involves ‘capturing’ the carbon dioxide released and burying it deep underground
  • Problems with carbon capture and storage:
    • It is expensive because of the advanced technology required
    • No one can be sure that the carbon dioxide will stay underground and that it will not leak to the surface and enter the atmosphere
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cells
    • Hydrogen is a chemically simple and abundant element but it does not occur naturally as a gas, it is always combined with other elements e.g., oxygen in water
    • Currently, most hydrogen is extracted from other forms of fuel e.g., oil and natural gas
    • Hydrogen is high in energy and an engine that burns pure hydrogen produces next to no pollution
    • A fuel cell combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, heat and water
    • A fuel cell will provide electricity as long as hydrogen is supplied and it will never lose its charge
    • Fuel cells are a promising technology for use as:
    • A source of heat and electricity for buildings
    • A power source for electric vehicles
    • Hydrogen fuel cells are considered to be one of the best strategies for reducing carbon emissions that has very little impact on the carbon cycle