6.7A Impact of Increasing Demand for Food and fuel

Cards (7)

  • Growing Resource Demands:
    • The biosphere sequesters about one quarter of fossil fuel carbon emissions every year, slowing down the rate of global warming
    • However, the biosphere’s capacity to sequester carbon dioxide is being reduced due to land conversion 
    • Land conversion is being driven by an increasing demand for food, fuel and other resources
  • Deforestation:
    • Forests cover 30% of the Earth’s land area and absorb rainfall and increase groundwater storage
    • Deforestation occurs for either the timber or the space they occupy and is driven by the increasing demand for commodity production
    • An estimated 10 million hectares are deforested every year
  • Deforestation has impacts on the water cycle:
    • Reduced interception by vegetation so infiltration to soil and groundwater changes
    • Increased erosion and surface run-off, increasing sediment eroded and transported into rivers
  • Deforestation has impacts on the carbon cycle:
    • Reduced storage in soil and biomass
    • Reduced carbon dioxide intake during photosynthesis
    • Increased carbon influx to atmosphere by burning and decomposing vegetation
  • Afforestation:
    • Afforestation and reforestation are beneficial for carbon dioxide sequestration but can be controversial in its impacts:
    • Commercial trees such as palm oil often store less carbon, use more water and are prone to disease
  • Grassland Conversion:
    • There are two main types of grassland which cover 26% of the Earth’s land area
    • Temperate grassland - no trees and a seasonal growth pattern linked to a large annual temperature range e.g. North America
    • Tropical grassland or Savannahscattered trees with a wet and dry season e.g. Africa’s serengeti
  • Grassland conversion:
    ->When grasslands are used too intensively for animals or agriculture it disrupts the carbon and water cycles
    • Rapid increase in population and changes from nomadic to sedentary farming along with the impacts of climate change and poor land management 
    • Soil and ecosystem degradation is now becoming a worldwide issue which is leading to a loss in carbon storage