Medina del Campo

Cards (17)

  • In 1488, Henry suggested to Spain a marriage between his son, Arthur, and Catherine of Aragon
  • The proposal was significant as if agreed, it give him recognition from a major European power and signify that Spain thought his position on the English throne was secure
  • Negotiations were slow as both nations wanted the most favourable agreement
  • In March 1489, the Treaty of Medina del Campo was signed - most significant foreign policy of Henry's reign
  • Medina del Campo treaty:
    • Arthur and Catherine would marry
    • Catherine's dowry would be £40,000 (200,000 crowns) which would be paid to Henry VII in instalments
    • Spain would not help any English rebels
    • there would be benefits for English trade with Spain
    • if either country was at war with France, the other would intervene immediately
  • War between France and Spain was likely as Spain wanted to regain lands on its Pyrenean borders
  • In return, Spain offered to help England regain Normandy and Aquitaine
  • Although Spain was able to regain its border lands by 1493, it gave little help to Henry
  • Henry wasn't concerned with the lack of help as he realised that the reconquest of lands in France was unrealistic or having usurped the throne, the recognition of a major European power was more important
  • Henry celebrated the agreement by making a coin on which he was portrayed wearing the prestigious imperial crown, suggesting he considered his power and position more secure
  • However, the final marriage agreement with Spain was not made until 1496 and Catherine didn't arrive in England, with 100,000 of her dowry, until 1501
  • Catherine's delay was because of Henry's insecure position on the throne and Spain didn't want to send Catherine to England whilst there was still a possibility Henry would be removed from the throne
  • Henry hoped to use the closer ties with Spain from the marriage to gain access to the new Spanish Empire
  • The marriage was also significant as Catherine's sister, Joanna, married Phillip of Burgundy, which brought Spain and Burgundy closer, which offered the possibility of another ally if Henry needs it
  • Although Arthur and Catherine were soon married, within 5 months Arthur was dead
  • Importance of the marriage shown through Henry offering his second son, Henry VIII, to marry Catherine - engaged in June 1503
  • It would be another 6 years before Catherine and Henry VIII married