In 1488, Henry suggested to Spain a marriage between his son, Arthur, and Catherine of Aragon
The proposal was significant as if agreed, it give him recognition from a major European power and signify that Spain thought his position on the English throne was secure
Negotiations were slow as both nations wanted the most favourable agreement
In March 1489, the Treaty of Medina del Campo was signed - mostsignificantforeign policy of Henry's reign
Medina del Campo treaty:
Arthur and Catherine would marry
Catherine's dowry would be £40,000 (200,000 crowns) which would be paid to Henry VII in instalments
Spain would not help any English rebels
there would be benefits for English trade with Spain
if either country was at war with France, the other would intervene immediately
War between France and Spain was likely as Spain wanted to regain lands on its Pyrenean borders
In return, Spain offered to help England regain Normandy and Aquitaine
Although Spain was able to regain its border lands by 1493, it gave little help to Henry
Henry wasn't concerned with the lack of help as he realised that the reconquest of lands in France was unrealistic or having usurped the throne, the recognition of a majorEuropean power was more important
Henry celebrated the agreement by making a coin on which he was portrayed wearing the prestigious imperial crown, suggesting he considered his power and positionmoresecure
However, the final marriage agreement with Spain was not made until 1496 and Catherine didn't arrive in England, with 100,000 of her dowry, until 1501
Catherine's delay was because of Henry's insecure position on the throne and Spain didn't want to send Catherine to England whilst there was still a possibility Henry would be removed from the throne
Henry hoped to use the closer ties with Spain from the marriage to gain access to the new Spanish Empire
The marriage was also significant as Catherine's sister, Joanna, married Phillip of Burgundy, which brought Spain and Burgundycloser, which offered the possibility of another ally if Henry needs it
Although Arthur and Catherine were soon married, within 5 months Arthur was dead
Importance of the marriage shown through Henry offering his second son, Henry VIII, to marry Catherine - engaged in June 1503
It would be another 6 years before Catherine and Henry VIII married