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  • According to Personality:
    • Pragmatic and theoretical managers: job content-oriented, become planners and thinkers
    • Process-oriented workaholic and carefree managers: concerned with how best to do a job, implementers and doers of the company
  • According to Management Levels:
    • Top managers: high-ranking executives who develop long-range plans, evaluate performance, and select key personnel
    • Middle managers: direct activities of supervisors and workers, make plans, analyze performance, establish policies, and recruit personnel
    • First-level managers: lowest level of management, make detailed operating plans, review subordinates' performance, supervise day-to-day operations, and maintain close contact with operative employees
    • Leader: sharing a vision, use analytical data to support recommendations, provide focus, create a 'culture', inspire people, ensure coordination, act as an interface between team and outside, take risks, guide progress, evaluate progress, create a positive team feeling, monitor feelings and morale, appeal to people's emotions, provide development opportunities, ensure effective induction, use analytical data to forecast trends, monitoring progress, unleash potential, be a good role model, appeal to rational thinking, build teams
  • Manager vs Leader:
    • Manager: scheduling work, plan and prioritize steps, explain goals, provide feedback, delegate tasks, ensure predictability, coordinate effort and resources, give orders and instructions, monitor progress, look 'over the horizon', follow systems and procedures, monitor budgets, tasks, etc.
    • Entrepreneurship Role: initiates and oversees new products to improve organizational performance
  • Manager vs Leader:
    • Manager: scheduling work, plan and prioritize steps to task achievement, use analytical data to support recommendations, explain goals, plan, and roles, provide feedback on performance, motivating staff, provide focus, create a 'culture'
  • Leadership–takeschargeoftheorganizationand
    leads subordinates.
    -hiring, training, motivating, disciplining
  • Figurehead role –performs ceremonial and symbolic duties.
  • Decisional role -makes decisions about what is done by whom and when.
  • Informational role -gathers information from internal and external sources.
  • Monitor role -gets useful information by observing surroundings and asking subordinates, peers, and superiors.
  • Liaison role -motivates, communicates, and promotes team spirit by interacting with other managers outside the organization.
  • Informational role -gathers information from inside and outside the organization.
  • Interpersonal role -interacts with others inside and outside the organization.
  • Interpersonal skills are the ability to communicate effectively with others.
  • Spokesperson role – he represents the organization to outsiders; transmits information about the organization’s plan, policies and actions & keeping his superior informed of every development.
    • financial performance, new products and quality maintenance, implementation and compliance of laws.
  • Disseminator role – he passes some of the privileged info directly to his subordinates, peers, superiors.
    • is important as subordination must be informed of current developments.
  • Disturbance handler role – takes corrective action to respond to previously unforeseen problems.
    pressures in the workplace can be severe and highly demand the attention of the manager.
    • example: strike, declining sales, bankruptcy of major customer.
  • Negotiator role – he represents the org in bargaining and negotiating with outsiders and insiders, to gain advantage for his own unit.
    • negotiations are integral parts of the manager’s job for he has authority to commit organizational resources and direct access to info.
  • Entrepreneurship role - he is a creator and innovator; he initiates and oversees new products that will improve the organization’s performance.
    • he presents novel ideas and initiates new undertakings and developmental projects.
  • Resource allocator role –his time is the most important resource; the manager is responsible for providing human, physical and monetary resource.
    • he should empower his subordinates by delegating certain authority and power to them.
  • Workaholic
    • Manager by “kayod”
    • Hardworking and dedicated • Formal and introverted
  • Reconciler
    • Manager by “ugnayan”
    • Thoroughly situational
    • Integrative, a recorder, an ideal Pinoy manager
  • Pragmatic
    • Manager by “odio” (by ear, to listen) • Based on practical experience
  • Carefree
    • Manager by “lusot”
    • Will always find loopholes to avoid hardwork or give an excuse for
    • An extrovert who deals with people informally
  • Theoretical
    • Manager by “libro” (goes by the book and a stickler for established rules; systematic and analytical)
    • Has adequate formal training in management
  • Top managers – are high-ranking executives of the organization.
    • Develop and review long-range plans and strategies
    Evaluate overall performance of various dept
    • Selects key personnel;
    Consult subordinates and tackle probs in general
  • Middle managers – direct the activities of the supervisors and workers.
    These are the branch managers, project managers, firm managers, finance managers who:
    • Make plans of intermediate range and long- range plans for review by top managers
    Analyze managerial performance to determine capability and readiness for promotion
    • Establish departmental policies
    Select and recruit personnel
  • First-level managers – belong to the lowest level of management; these are production supervisors, clerical supervisor, school supervisor, hospital supervisor.
    • Make detailed, short-range operating plans
    Review performance of subordination
    Supervise day-to-day operations
    Prepare specific task assignments
    Maintain close contact w/ operative employees
  • Upper management-Long-term goals, products,
    markets, business organizing Jobs like CEO, CFO, COO, Management CO
  • Middle management -Interpret plans &set actions.
    Job like - regional/plant managers.
  • Lower-level management-Implement plans.
    Jobs like - team leader, assistant manager, foreman, shift manager.