Writing Techniques

Cards (25)

  • Noun
    An object, person or place
  • Abstract Noun
    Noun's you can't see/touch
  • Concrete Noun
    Noun's you can see/touch
  • Exclamatory Sentence
    A sentence to express suprise
  • Interrogative Sentence
    A question
  • Verb
    A doing word (Action)
  • Dynamic Verb
    A verb describing movement
  • Static Verb
    A verb describing thoughts and emotions
  • Auditory Imagery
    Imagery shown using sounds
  • Olfactory Imagery
    Imagery shown using smells
  • Syllabic Sentence

    One syllable sentence
  • Alliteration
    A phrase with words starting with the same letters
  • Tactile Imagery
    Imagery shown using touch/feel
  • Hyperbole
    Exaggerated statements - Not taken literally
  • Declarative Sentence

    Declares/states something
  • Foil Character
    A character who contrasts with another character
  • Synesthesia
    Where a sense is used to describe another
  • Plosive
    Sounds like 'buh' and 'puh' - From your lips
  • Symbolism
    Use of objects to symbolize/show a deeper meaning
  • Visual Imagery
    Words to paint a picture/scene/thing
  • In Medias Res
    Starting without an introduction - Straight into the action
  • Analepsis
    Flashback in time
  • Prolepsis
    Flashforward in time
  • 3rd Person
    Refers to someone else - 'Him' 'Her' 'They'
  • 1st Person
    Refers to yourself - 'I' 'Me'