murder def - theunlawfulkillingofa reasonable person inbeingandunderthe kings peace with malice aforethought express orimplied
actus reus for murder
unlawful killing
under the kingspeace
can be an act or omission
must cause the death
ag's ref no.3 - a fetus is not a person in being
malcherek and steel - test for death is where the brain stem has died
under the kings peace - killing someone not during a time of war
brain dead - not an offence to switch off the life support if done by medical staff
mens rea - malice aforethought express or implied
malice aforethought means intention
express intention is direct or oblique intention and means to kill
implied intention is intention to cause GBH which is directly or obliquely intended
vickers - the intention to cause gbh is enough for a conviction of murder
foresight of consequences
oblique intent is sufficient for mens rea of murder. - d doesnt have mr for murder unless foresaw that it would cause death - known as foresight of consequences