gross negligence manslaughter

Cards (14)

  • adomako - sets out the 4 main elements for GNM
  • 4 elements
    1. duty of care
    2. breach of duty
    3. gross negligence
    4. risk of death
  • duty of care - 3 stage test of caparo v dickman
  • singh - duty can be contractual
  • litchfield - duty can be contractual
  • stone and dobinson - duty can be taken on voluntarily due to a relationship
  • wacker - duty can be owed even where victims are party to an illegal act
  • evans - duty can create a state of affairs
  • breach of duty - defendant failed to do something and it caused the death
    causation rules apply - pagett - kimsey - jordan
  • gross negligence - not enough that the d has been negligent - it has to be gross
  • bateman - must show 'such disregard for the life and safety of others' to be considered criminal act
  • risk of death - has to be a risk of death and risk to 'health and welfare' of the victim
  • misra - must be a risk of death from d's conduct
  • mens rea of offence is gross negligence