Settlements develop where valuable minerals are formed
When volcanoes erupt, they spew these minerals out
This creates jobs in the mining industry
Family and friends
Many people have lived in an area of risk their whole life
They have supported communities and are surrounded by loved ones
They feel like they would rather stay with these people and take the risk than leave their life behind
Fertile soil
Lava and ash erupt from volcanoes which weathers down over thousands of years releasing minerals leaving the fertile soil rich in nutrients
Land can be farmed providing higher yield and a reliable food source
Feel safe
No eruptions or earthquakes for many years
Earthquake proof buildings
Good planning for search and rescue, evacuation through training and education
Geothermal energy
Renewable energy
Reduces greenhouse gases
Hellisheidi in Iceland produces 30% of their energy
Brings money into the local economy
Locals earn money from jobs in hotels, giving tours
Taxes will be paid and the area will develop schools and hospitals
Positive multiplier effect
Monitoring = Using scientific equipment to detect warning signs of events such as a volcanic eruptions
Prediction = using historical evidence and scientific monitoring to judge when and where a tectonic hazard may occur. Using knowledge of plate margins to identify where earthquake faults are likely to occur
Protection = designing buildings that should withstand tectonic hazards or evacuating people away from the dangers posed by volcanic eruptions
Planning = identifying and avoiding buildings on places that are most at risk. Developing methods that reduce the impacts of an eruption or earthquake before a hazard occurs